"May There Be Peace" is a song from The Lion Guard episode, "The Ukumbusho Tradition". It is sung by the members of the Lion Guard, as they reflect upon the peace between elephants and lions.
Kion: |
So many paths to peace |
Bunga: |
But who's to say what's best? |
Fuli: |
So long as they help lead us all |
Beshte and Ono: |
To hope and togetherness |
Bunga: |
We might not look the same |
Beshte: |
But take a look within |
Kion and Fuli: |
What's inside matters so much more than feathers, fur, or skin |
All: |
May there be peace, peace in the Pride Lands |
And let me help it soar |
May there be peace, peace in the Pride Lands |
And I will do my part |
Kion: (spoken) |
Many dry seasons ago, Askari, leader of the first Lion Guard, made peace with the elephants. Working together, the lions and elephants made the Pride Lands a safe home for everyone who respects the Circle of Life. It is this peace that we celebrate tonight. |
All: |
May there be peace, peace in the Pride Lands |
And let me help it soar |
May there be peace, peace in the Pride Lands |
And I will do my part |
And I will do my part |