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The Mechanical Arm is the very first obstacle Mickey faces in Epic Mickey, within Dark Beauty Castle. It's a machine resembling a Swiss army pocketknife the Mad Doctor used as an attempt to extract Mickey's Heart. The Mechanical Arm has one eye that changes color depending on its mood (blue when docile and red when hostile), a large metallic claw hand and wields various sharp utensils, from scissors, a corkscrew, a chainsaw, and finally a plunger under the manipulation of the Mad Doctor. Fortunately, Mickey escaped his bonds and tried to confront the Mad Doctor, who then used a hatch to escape.

Oswald attempted to follow after the Mad Doctor to escape from Mickey, but he broke a lever on the main controls that manipulated the Mechanical Arm and it overloaded. This caused the Mechanical Arm to go haywire, furiously grabbing and clipping for Oswald with its scissors, corkscrew, chainsaw, and metallic claw before he barely managed to escape. The Mechanical Arm then turned its attention back to Mickey and attempted to kill him, but with the help of Gremlin Gus, the machine was shut down when the control panels were destroyed.

When Mickey returns to Dark Beauty Castle to defeat the Shadow Blot, the only thing remaining of the Mechanical Arm is its eye. The rest of its body was presumably washed away by the overflowing thinner in the room.


The Mechanical Arm attacks Mickey with its corkscrew if he is in its line of sight. It was noted that the Arm never used its large, metallic claw when fighting Mickey, but only used it when attempting to crush Gremlin Gus.

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Epic Mickey Logo
Games: Epic Mickey (soundtrackRebrushed) • Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (soundtrack) • Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

Books: Epic Mickey: The Graphic NovelEpic Mickey: Tales of WastelandThe Art of Epic Mickey
Cancelled: Epic Mickey 3Epic Disney Racers

Main Characters: Mickey MouseOswald the Lucky RabbitOrtensiaGremlin GusYen Sid

Antagonists: The BlotThe Mad DoctorBlotlingsAnimatronic Captain HookBeetleworxBlotworxThe Shadow BlotMizrabelGremlin Prescott
Other characters: TintsTurpsBunny ChildrenClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarAnimatronic Tick-Tock the CrocodileAdelleSmall PetePetetronicPete PanBeppo the GorillaChampThe Three Little PigsMagic BroomsA.B.E.Lonesome GhostsElliottClock TowerTelephonePlaying CardsPipe OrganSwamp BoysSpirit of WastelandBlotworx DragonPrescott's Mech
Deleted Characters: Thinner Mickey

The WastelandYen Sid’s TowerMickey's HouseTomorrow CityNautilusSkull IslandJolly RogerWillie's CastleVenturelandGremlin VillageBlot AlleyLonesome ManorTortoogaFloatyardDisney GulchBog EasyOsTownMean StreetMickeyjunk MountainAutotopiaDark Beauty CastleRainbow CavernsFort WastelandTrain TunnelsDahl Engineering CorridorsPrescott's Arena
PaintbrushPaintThinnerRemoteE-TicketsGremlin CageMechanical ArmHeartHelp Me, Help YouWorld of Evil
Junction Point StudiosWarren Spector