Mheetu is a lion who was set to be in The Lion King when it was initially titled King of the Jungle. However, he did not appear in the film due to time constraints. He is the younger brother of Nala and the son of Sarafina.
Physical appearance[]
According to his colored concepts, Mheetu has moderate vermilion fur as well as a black nose. As for his uncolored concept art, he is shown to have a nose like Scar's and a small head tuft. In his newest concept art, Mheetu has dark golden fur and green eyes, as well as a black nose.
From his concepts and previous places in the story, Mheetu is shown to be gullible and innocent as well as playful. It is also noted that Mheetu is constantly getting into trouble.
Role in the film[]
Before Scar murdered Mufasa and took over the Pride Lands, Mheetu was a part of Nala's (then Nadra's) gang alongside a bat-eared fox named Bhati, while Simba's gang consisted of Timon and Pumbaa (then named Harold). The two gangs often played together. All of these characters were originally scripted to grow up around the prince as childhood friends.
- It is unclear why Mheetu was removed, but it is likely that some characters, like Timon and Pumbaa, were needed, as they were better fit to be introduced later, while other characters, like Mheetu, really had no purpose and were thus cut entirely. Also, with so many characters around, it would be difficult to focus on the main character, Simba.
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