"Mickey's Mousekedoer Adventure" is the one hundred and eighteenth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It premiered on June 26, 2015, and is the nineteenth episode in the fourth season.
When the Mousekedoer malfunctions, Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Toodles get digitized into the Mousekedoer. There, they meet Digi Daisy, Micro Minnie and Pixelated Pete, who help them get to the Mousekecore where they must get the liquid light flowing before it's too late!
- Bret Iwan as Mickey Mouse
- Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
- Bill Farmer as Goofy
- Rob Paulsen as Toodles
- Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck/Digi Daisy
- Russi Taylor as Minnie Mouse/Micro Minnie
- Jim Cummings as Pete/Pixelated Pete
- Corey Burton as Ludwig Von Drake
- A blow dryer with a party noise maker on its end
- A giant pencil with erasers on both ends
- A Handy Fishing Pole with a Football Helmet on its line
- A Jack-in-the-Box with a Handy Helper inside (Mystery Mouseketool)
- The Mousekedoer is revealed to be powered by the liquid light flowing to the Mousekedoer.
- In the storyboard, the episode was originally going to be called: "Mickey's Mousekedoer Mix Up".[1]
- Unlike most of the episodes, instead of the title card appearing after the logo, the title card appears under the logo just like the specials, it's also notable for being the only episode to feature the logo and title card in the gears, and also the only time that it doesn't fade and instead static appears.
- This is foreshadowing of how Toodles is impacted when the Mousekedoer malfunctions.
- Toodles' power stems off the Mousekedoer and his face screen is shown going static numerous times throughout the episode due to the Mousekedoer being on the fritz.
- Counting the title card, Toodles' face screen went static eight times throughout the episode.
- The episode is likely a nod to the 1982 science fiction film TRON.
- The full animatic of this episode was found and uploaded on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse archive channel on YouTube.
- This episode was produced in 2012 according to the credits.
- After Mickey explains the Mystery Mouseketool's purpose, the thick black smoke from the malfunctioning Mousekedoer is instead shown as a darkened version of the usual white steam.
- ↑ Reference needed