Mickey's Scooter is a sentient vehicle that appears in the Mickey Mouse episodes "Croissant de Triomphe", "Road Hogs" and "Amore Motore".
Role in the series[]
In "Croissant de Triomphe", Mickey uses his scooter to deliver croissants and breads to the citizens of Paris and while riding his scooter across the town, he accidentally leaves the scooter in the goat barn where Mickey gets back on his scooter to return to the streets of Paris to deliver customers who are demanding croissants, not noticing two police officers trying to arrest him only for Mickey to lose them by placing pies to distract them. Throughout the chase, Mickey on his scooter passes through a lion statue, a windmill, and a castle where Cinderella and Prince Charming are at, to which children on merry-go-rounds accidentally catch croissants. One of them tells Mickey to retrieve these croissants and deliver them to the customers to which Mickey rides on his scooter to deliver the croissant to the customers just as Minnie happily praises him for satisfying the customers.
In "Road Hogs", Mickey and Minnie leave the blue scooter behind and the scooter in this episode is called "Scoot", not noticing that the area the two are at is a biker gang area. Upon encountering the Road Hogs, Scoot suddenly sneaks up into the bar where Mickey is act, trying to warn Mickey about Minnie joining a group of biker gang known as the Road Hogs, leading Mickey to ride on Scoot to help rescue Minnie from the gang. Mickey and Minnie manage to evade the Road Hogs with Scoot, not noticing that Minnie is tidying the lead Road Hog's vehicle just as the four fall off a bridge to which Mickey manages to use a banner reading "Sky Dive!" to rescue the biker from falling off the bridge just as the four manage to return to the bridge safely. Mickey, Minnie, Scoot, and the Road Hogs ride off together into the sunset.
In "Amore Motore", Mickey rides on Scoot across the streets of Rome driving past the Colosseum and sees Minnie riding her own scooter and upon being distracted, Micckey notices Scoot feeling interested on Minnie's scooter, leading Mickey to catch up with Minnie's scooter and in a plan to get her attention, the plan to do so was a failure and upon seeing Minnie arriving at the Parco, Scoot gets another chance to get the other scooter's attention just as she tries to talk to him. However, the plan to woo her was not a success, causing her to cry in pain as well as Minnie leaving with her scooter. Accidentally causing the columns to form a domino effect, Mickey and his scooter attempt to save Minnie and her scooter stuck on a rolling column, so Mickey and his own scooter were able to save him just as Mickey, Minnie, and their scooters end up in the Fountain of Trevi safely. Minnie's scooter happily praises Scoot for saving her life just before Minnie thanks Mickey as well just as Minnie and her scooter depart off into the sunset.