"Mickey and the Enchanted Egg" is the sixty-third episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It originally aired on Playhouse Disney on November 14, 2009, and is the thirty-sixth episode in the second season.
Mickey Mouse finds an egg that hatches a baby dragon, and he tries to return the dragon to its home and prove to Wizard Pete that he did not steal it.
- Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse
- Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
- Bill Farmer as Pluto/Goofy
- Russi Taylor as Minnie Mouse
- Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
- Jim Cummings as Wizard Pete
- Toodles (Does not speak)
- This episode aired in the UK and Ireland on August 4, 2009.
- Toodles also has a job as a storybook.
- This episode was produced in 2008, according to the credits.