"Minnie's Masquerade" is the eighty-fourth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It premiered on April 11, 2011 and is the seventeenth episode in the third season.
Minnie plans a masquerade ball.
- Mickey Mouse - A prince
- Minnie Mouse - A princess
- Pluto - An alien
- Donald Duck - A cowboy
- Daisy Duck - A cowgirl
- Goofy - Sir Goof-a-Lot
- Toodles - Mickey mask
- Pete - An astronaut, chicken, prince, wizard, dragon
- Bubbles the Elephant
- Coco the Coconutty Monkey
- Professor Ludwig Von Drake
- Chip and Dale
- Clarabelle Cow
- A Bubble Maker (to clean Goofy's muddy shoe)
- Shoe Boxes (to sort the shoes)
- A Baby Elephant (to dry the glue on the crowns faster)
- Coco The Monkey (Mystery Mousketool, to get the lanterns back into the tree)
- Minnie announces the title of this episode after the opening sequence.
- The picture of Pete dressed as Mickey is in his season one style, which was seen in "Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt".
- Mickey and their friends do not have their costumes on in the Hot Dog Dance.
- The audio of Donald calling for Toodles (before the others do the same) when they needed the bubble machine is taken from the Sensational Six's audio from Goofy the Homemaker.
- This episode was produced in 2009, according to the credits.
- During the Mousekedoer song, Goofy has both shoes on despite one of them being missing.
- Daisy can be seen among the group when they call for Toodles the third time, despite not being there when the group looks for Goofy's shoe.
- When Mickey, Donald and Goofy call for Toodles the fourth time, the lanterns on the tree are missing.
End Credits[]
- Recapping what shapes Mickey and Minnie used to decorate their crowns.