Miranda Hampson (portrayed by Lucy Hale) is Justin's girlfriend in two episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place. She is the new kid of Tribeca Prep in "Pop Me and We Both Go Down" and starts dating Justin in that episode. Miranda is older than Justin, for when Justin told Zeke about Miranda, Zeke described her as 'an older lady'.
She is, however, seen to be dating Justin in First Kiss, an episode before "Pop Me and We Both Go Down", which is due to episodes being broadcast out of order. She is hated by Harper Finkle, due to Harper's long standing crush on Justin.
She likes the color black and hates Corporate America and "cool guys." It is said once that she's the new girl, but it is also said that in seventh grade she passed a note to someone saying she liked them.
- "First Kiss" (First Appearance)
- "Pop Me and We Both Go Down" (Final Appearance)