Miss Fritter's Racing Skoool is an animated short featuring the characters of Pixar's 2017 animated film Cars 3. It premiered on October 24, 2017 with the release of the digital copy of Cars 3.
Lightning McQueen watches a news program headlining that Cruz Ramirez beat Jackson Storm to win the Florida 500 trophy. Later, the news program changes to a commercial with Miss Fritter telling viewers about her school program. Also in this commercial, participators of the program tell the viewers how their lives changed when they attended Miss Fritter's school program. After watching the commercial, one of the trophies breaks as McQueen worriedly tells Cruz that attending Miss Fritter's school program is too dangerous to attend.
- Lea DeLaria as Miss Fritter
- Bob Peterson as Dr. Damage
- Jeremy Maxwell as Arvy
- Jason Pace as Faregame
- Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez
- Keith Ferguson as Lightning McQueen
- Asher Terra as Race Announcer
- The third movie-based Pixar short to be exclusively available on its movie's Blu-ray, not on DVD, after Riley's First Date? and Marine Life Interviews.
- Also, this short and Marine Life Interviews are the only ones released exclusively on Blu-ray that are currently not released on Disney+ yet.
- Even though youreguaranteedtohaveablast.com is not a real website, trying to go to the site will result in a redirect to the Cars 3 page on Disney's website.
- The third Cars production to be produced in 1.78:1 aspect ratio, after Mater and the Ghostlight and Cars Toons.