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"Moo-Moo's Tutu Boo-Boo" is the second half of the seventy-seventh episode of Doc McStuffins. It aired on November 6, 2015.


When Emmie and Alma accidentally leave Moo-Moo at Doc's house, she treats the rest of the toys to a ballet lesson and accidentally gets ripped.


Moo-Moo always dreamed of being a ballet dancer like Bella and Lambie but Moo Moo accidentally ripped her leg during rehearsal after tripping.

Characters Present[]


  • "Queen of Ballet"
  • "Hey What's Going On"


  • This is the second time Moo-Moo got a bad case.
  • This is the fifth time "Hey What's Going On" was the last song.
  • This is the first time we see Emmie and Alma in their Ballet clothes.
  • This is the fifth time a hurt or boo boo injury was reported and the "I Feel Better" song wasn't played.

