Morkubine Porcupine is an anthropomorphic porcupine, and a minor character in Disney's 2005 animated feature film Chicken Little. He tends to say only one word in order to express his thoughts.
Role in the film[]
Morkubine Porcupine is first seen saying "Yo" during Mr. Woolensworth's class where Mr. Woolensworth is doing a roll call. He is later seen during a game of dodgeball with many dodgeballs stuck on his quills where the coach plans to call the nurse to remove all the dodgeballs on his quills. He is later seen during a game of baseball, where he says "No" believing that Chicken Little would lose again in which he eventually wins. He is later seen saying "Woah!" when an alien invasion happens in Oakey Oaks. He is last seen dancing during the credits.
Morkubine Porcupine dancing
He is a minor character in the film, but he is seen many times in the film's merchandising and promotions.
He only says three words in the entire movie: "Yo.", "No.", and "Whoa!".