"Most Befuddling Thing" is a song in the Disney animated feature film, The Sword in the Stone. Merlin transforms himself and young Arthur into squirrels to teach the boy about gravity, but the lesson is interrupted by a little girl squirrel in love with Arthur (who is also a squirrel). Merlin sings the song to Arthur to explain that love can not be explained scientifically. The song is composed by Richard and Robert Sherman.
Merlin: It's a state of being, a frame of mind
It's a most befuddling thing
And to every being of every kind
It is discombooberating
You're wasting time resisting
You'll find the more you do
The more she'll keep insisting
Her him has got to be you
Wart: Leave me alone! I mean it!
Merlin: It's a rough game anyone knows
Wart: Go away!
Merlin: There are no rules, anything goes
There's no logical explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most bemuddling, most befuddling thing
There's no sensible explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most hodge-podgical
Most illogical
Most confusiling
Most bamboozling
Most bemuddling
Most befuddling
Merlin: It's the simplest attraction of the birds and bees
It's as acedemic as the ABCs
It's a state of being, a frame of mind
It's a most befuddling thing
And to every being of every kind
It is discombooberating
Wart: What do you mean?
Melrin: You're wasting time resisting
You'll find the more you do
The more she'll keep insisting
Her him has got to be you
Wart: But she bites, and she scratches
She doesn't play fair
Merlin: It's a rough game anyone knows
Wart: And she pinches OW, and she pulls my hair
Merlin: There are no rules, anything goes
There's no logical explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most bemuddling, most befuddling thing
(Instrumental bridge)
It's a force of nature, a fact of life
For a him there's always a her
This is no small whim seems that you're her him
So you're out on a limb as it were
There's no sensible explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most hodge-podgical
Most illogical
Most confusiling
Most bamboozling
Most bemuddling
Most befuddling