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Mount Gushmore

Mount Gushmore is an artificial hill at Blizzard Beach, it stands at 90 feet high and is the fifth highest point in Florida. It houses many of the parks slides separated into three sections: Red, Green and Purple. As well as hosting many of the parks slides it also serves a logistical purpose concealing the pipework.


v - e - d
Logo Disney-BlizzardBeach
Green Slope
Summit PlummetTeamboat SpringsSlush Gusher
Purple Slope
Downhill Double DipperSnow StormersToboggan Racers
Red Slope
Runoff Rapids
Ground Level
Meltaway BayCross Country CreekLeisure PoolFahrenheit DropsFreezin' Pipe SpringsCool RunnersTike's PeakChairlift
Ice Gator