"Movie Madness" was the eighteenth episode of the first season of the Disney Channel series Even Stevens. It was written by Sarah Jane Cunningham and Susan Villandry, directed by Peter Baldwin, and aired on January 26, 2001.
Plot summary[]
Louis decides to make a movie for an upcoming young people's film festival. His movie is a low-grade science fiction movie called "Three Eyes Wide Shut," which is about a cowboy farmer who falls in love with an alien girl. His cast includes Tawny & Twitty, and his only other crew member includes Tom Gribalski. In the process of making his movie, he ends up putting the success of his film over the safety and concern for his friends.
Ren has a crush on a hearthrob named Bobby Deaver, and one of her friends, school gossip-monger Ruby Mendel can't wait to tell it to the world. Somehow, though Ivan got the note that Ren was going to use to practice some lines she was preparing for Bobby.
- This episode is the final one with Eric Jungmann, and the first one with Brandon Davis who plays as Ren's love interest, Bobby Deaver.
- Louis' movie is clearly named after Stanley Kubrick's final movie Eyes Wide Shut.
See also[]
External links[]
- Movie Madness at the Internet Movie Database
- Movie Madness at TV.com