Mrs. Konquist is a Fillmore! character and Everett's mother. She is voiced by Caroline Rhea.[1]
Mrs. Konquist's son, Everett Konquist and Mr. Almaden's daughter, Lorraine Almaden, are schoolmates at X Middle. Not only do their kids know each other through attending the same school, but the Konquists and the Almadens are next door neighbors. In [2], it turns out that she was the one who knocked over the balls from the cage in a mall department where Fillore and Ingrid were as they almost solved the case at that point, getting them caught up in a ball stampede. Later, when the safety patrol officers are at the Almaden home, they find her after she tumbles out of a cabinet she'd been hiding in until Mr Almaden left, but gave up hiding when he sat down and tried to read 'War and Peace' in one sitting.
They find she was the one who did that. Her reasons are that keeping them from finding out where Duappy is would keep Everett from being less needy of the virtual pet and she wanted him to continue doing well in making friends, and hanging out with real people more in lieu of being reliant on the toy so much. She says she would've gotten away with it too, had someone (Mr. Almaden), not decide to spend the day attempting to finish reading his book in one sitting. Like Mr. Almaden, Mrs. Konquist appears to be a single parent for some exact reason that's not revealed.
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- ↑ Nappers Never Sleep