Mrs. Which is a character who appears in Madeleine L'Engle's novel A Wrinkle in Time. Two different incarnations of the character appeared in two Disney-produced adaptations of the book: the 2003 Dimension Film adaptation and the 2018 Disney film adaptation.
Mrs. Which is one of the three magical beings whom Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace encounter, alongside Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who. Like the aforementioned two, she is capable of using an act of traveling of both space and time through a magical method known as tesseract. She is also able to assist Meg in helping Meg find her father. In spite of this, she is shown to be negatively affected by darkness spread across the universe caused by the It, which causes all the Mrs. Ws' magic to be weakened by the power of darkness. Meg was even able to defeat the It and rescue her father, thanks to her remembering what the Mrs. Ws taught her when putting self-consciousness in herself, impressing Mrs. Which and the other two Mrs. Ws.
A Wrinkle in Time (2003)[]
In the 2003 adaptation of the story, Mrs. Which first appears as a vision where she tells Mrs. Whatsit to get rid of the negativity quickly, believing that Meg and her group could be a threat to the universe. She then discusses with Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who about the possibilities of saving Mr. Murry and bringing him back to the real world from the tyranny of the It to which Meg overhears.
The next day, Mrs. Which is present telling the children to watch where they came from just as she shows a vision to of the Solar System, just as she describes it as a tiny speck in an extremely vast universe which just as the three look at Earth in the vision to which Mrs. Who explains that the darkness has been on Earth for many years, which is why the troubled planet could fall into the hands of darkness, followed by Mrs. Which explaining to Meg that her father is on Camazotz. Throughout the conversation, Mrs. Which tells the three that only warriors with grace can be brave enough to defeat the darkness, to which Charles Wallace and Calvin are escorted to a cave where the Happy Medium lives. After learning that Mrs. Murry mourned the loss of her husband's disappearance, Mrs. Which hears Meg doing a plan to find her missing father before he is gone forever. Upon leaving the cave, Mrs. Which warns the three that they cannot go to Camazotz with them. Later before transporting Meg, Charles, and Calvin to Camazotz, Mrs. Which is present with Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which approaching the trio, where Mrs. Who explains to them that they will be watching them when they arrive, but they will be unable to see them as they cannot help them just before the three arrive at their destination. All the three Mrs. Ws then use the power of tesseract to transport the three to Camazotz.
Back at the Happy Medium's cave, Mrs. Which, alongside Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit, watch footage of Meg and her group entering the Central Central Intelligence headquarters via footage tuned in by H.M.'s crystal ball. Later when Charles is dealing with the Man with Red Eyes, H.M. fearfully reacts to what he did with Calvin, alongside Mrs. Which, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Who.
Later when Meg is asked to find anything unseen by Aunt Beast, Meg wanders across an icy cavern and encounters Mrs. Which who tells her that she, her father, and her friends must return to Earth while she, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit will take care of Charles Wallace. While discussing with her, she explains to Which that she herself cannot lose faith with her friends, explaining that she sticks together with her friends with loyalty to which Mrs. Which explains to her to know if loyalty is the one causing her to be furious and other problems she had with her friend Calvin and her father while trying to rescue Charles Wallace to which while discussing a plan how to rescue Charles, the reflection Mrs. Which suddenly disappears just as she appears physically in front of her, explaining that trying to explain that Charles Wallace from the Man with Red Eyes is not going to be easy, much to Meg denying that Charles is still her brother while Meg tries to ask Mrs. Which to know if she remembers any of Charles' moments to which she explains that she has never experienced human passion before in a strange universe just as she studies Meg who is curious about knowing Charles just as she hopes that Charles could be saved in time.
She, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit, later appear in front of Meg's father where it is explained that only grace would help save Charles as part of the three's advice. Later after Meg is praised by her father and her friend Calvin after Meg is told to be herself, Mrs. Which explains to Meg that she prided much on her wisdom, but she has taught her much, followed by Mrs. Who explaining to Meg not to give up faith in herself in order to accomplish her plans of defeating the Man with Red Eyes and rescuing Charles.
After Meg returns to the real world after rescuing her missing father as well as saving Charles Wallace from the forces of It, Mrs. Which suddenly appears in front of Meg's mother alongside Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit just as Charles Wallace introduces his mother to the three of them. Mrs. Which explains to Charles that he gave the three Mrs. Ws about much what he expected, even though he gave the three too much just as Mrs. Which praises him. Mrs. Which then bids a farewell to Meg, alongside Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit to which she leaves together with the other two of them.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)[]
When Meg, Charles, and Calvin are at the area where the Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who appear, Mrs. Which suddenly appears in front of the three. Charles explains to Mrs. Which that she is the wrong side, to which Mrs. Whatsit denies. Mrs. Which then explains to Meg that she is a part of the universe just like Meg, explaining to her that she heard a call from Meg in the universe where Charles explains that the Mrs. Ws being summoned to Earth is a call from Mr. Murry, Meg's missing father, leading Meg, Charles, and Calvin to find him before it is too late in which Mrs. Which explains that she believes Meg that her father is alive though trapped in another dimension to which Mrs. Whatsit explains that the Mrs. Ws are warriors who have an association with the good and light in the universe. As Meg accepts Mrs. Which's plan to help find Meg"s missing father and as Meg and her friends are being sent to another dimension, Mrs. Which tells Meg to find the right frequency and have faith in hoping to rescue her father just as Meg and her friends are sent to another dimension via tesseract.
After Meg, Calvin, and Charles find themselves at Uriel, Mrs. Whatsit then discusses with Mrs. Which to know why the three of them brought Charles Wallace to Uriel in the first place to which Mrs. Which explains that the flowers could hear her just as the latter explains to Mrs. Whatsit to focus on finding Meg's father. Mrs. Which and Mrs. Who later stare upon Mrs. Whatsit who transformed into a mystical flying creature taking them to see the Happy Medium. Later, Mrs. Which summons the flowers to help save Calvin who is falling while seeing a patch of darkness in the sky. With Calvin rescued, Mrs. Who tells Mrs. Whatsit (who transforms into her human form) to help Meg, Calvin, and Charles to focus on light when darkness is present, which it is found out that the pure evil energy from Camazotz known as the It is causing the negativity. Mrs. Which explains that the It is an evil being that spreads throughout the universe, planning to avoid the darkness at all costs. In a plan to help Meg find her father and after Mrs. Whatsit knew of the Happy Medium, a seer who would help the heroes find Meg, Mrs. Which uses the power of tesseract to help Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit bring Meg, Charles, and Calvin to meet the Happy Medium in his lair.
Arriving at the planet Orion, Mrs. Which guides Meg who helps her follow Calvin and Charles as she Mrs. Which tells Meg of how many events and choices occurred since the birth of the universe and how he was born, which Meg never thought about it as Mrs. Which tells her that the time has come for her to think about it. As she arrives at the Happy Medium's lair, Mrs. Which tells him that she and Meg are looking for Dr. Murry, Meg's lost father, just as Hm tells Meg to stand on one foot while balancing and think about her father while Mrs. Which assists her without looking away. Mrs. Which narrates about the negativity about the It, whose home may be in Camazotz, but his reach spreads far beyond the universe, including Earth and the only thing traveling faster in the universe other than light is the darkness, as the darkness negatively effects the lives of the inhabitants of Earth. Mrs. Which also explains that when more the fear spreads, the worse the rage becomes and the more this occurs, the darkness will spread across the whole universe, planning to fight against the It and the forces of evil. Meg becomes reluctant to help save her father, but Mrs. Which denies, telling Meg that tessering to the planet Camazotz is very dangerous, due to a large amount of darkness present in the planet, planning to tesser back to Earth instead. The Mrs. Ws plan to send Meg back to Earth for safety, but Meg instead re-directs the tesseract to Camazotz.
After Meg, Charles, and Calvin find themselves at Camazotz, they approach the Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit, where it is found that they are weakening, due to the fact that Meg's will to find her father weakened their power as she re-directed it from Earth, just as the three are unable to help them find her father. After Mrs. Who gives her a pair of glasses as a gift for Meg to enfold just as Mrs. Which tells Meg, Charles, and Calvin to stay together, all the three Mrs. Ws bidding a farewell to three. Meg remembers the sayings the Mrs. Ws taught to her to help defeat the It to free Calvin from his control after saving her father.
After Meg defeated the It using an act of love she showed to Charles Wallace, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit appear and praise Meg and Charles for being heroes who saved the universe from darkness. Mrs. Which praises Meg for her heroic actions, praising her for saving the universe. The Mrs. Ws also tell Meg that she should be proud like one of the greatest warriors on Earth just as Meg is deemed a heroine who became willing to face the darkness, bringing the best of herself to the light for the world. Afterwards, Meg performs the tesser for all the Mrs. Ws so she can make her way back home just as the three Mrs. Ws bid a farewell to Meg and Charles who return home altogether.
- Mrs. Which's costume from the 2018 film adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time was displayed in the traveling costume-themed exhibit titled "Heroes & Villains: The Art of the Disney Costume" as one of the costumes of the exhibit showcasing various costumes from various Disney productions.
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