"My Brother Can't Bother Me No More" is a song from the Disney Jr. series Goldie & Bear. Heard in the episode, "Horsin' Around", it is sung by Phyllis after she gets turned into a human by Fairy Godmother.
No more spiders up my saddle
No more yanking on my mane
I'm happy like I've never been before
What a joy, it's so freeing
To be a human being
'Cause my brother, he can't bug me anymore
No more splashing me with water
When we're drinking from the stream
For people drink from glasses that we pour
He'll be stuck out in the stable
While I'm sitting at the table
No, my brother, he can't bug me anymore
Long face?
No, sir
I'm so happy, I could high-step, that's for sure
No more tangling up my bridle
No more hiding all my hay
No quibbling with my sibling to endure
I'll be better off, I'm certain
'Cause I'm a proper person
And my brother, he can't bug me anymore
No, my brother, he can't bug me anymore