"My Dog, the Thief" is a 2-part episode of The Wonderful World of Disney, which aired on September 21, 1969 and September 28, 1969.
An air-traffic reporter discovers that his partner--a St. Bernard dog--has accidentally swiped a priceless necklace from a jewel-smuggling gang.
- Dwayne Hickman as Jack Crandall
- Mary Ann Mobley as Kim Lawrence
- Elsa Lanchester as Mrs. Formby
- Joe Flynn as P.J. Applegate
- John Van Dreelen as George Travell
- Mickey Shaughnessy as Foley
- Roger C. Carmel as McClure
- Vaughn Taylor as Dog Catcher
- Jim Begg as Baker
- The Bernardiner Noel as Barabbas. Bernhardiner
- Jason Fithian
- Charles Lane as Mr. Pfeiffer
- Burt Mustin