Naoh is a minor character from the Disney animated series, The Legend of Tarzan. She is girl from the Waziri tribe who becomes the wife of Basuli after years of being betrothed. She is also hailed as the tribe's most beautiful girl.
Naoh is shown as a caring but stubborn young woman who is willing to break the traditions of her people to be with the ones she loves. However, she is also quite impressionable as she only chose to break the traditions after being inspired by Jane's story of how she broke away from her English tradition of marrying a proper gentlemen out of love for Tarzan. Despite her headstrong personality, she worries greatly for Basuli and tries to remain hopeful for his safety.
Role in the series[]
In "Tarzan and the Eagle's Feather", Naoh is first and only seen during her wedding with Basuli. As part of her people's ancient marriage ritual as dictated by Keewazi, Basuli must journey to a tall mountain and bring back an Eagle's feather. Naoh at first was complacent about the tradition but was convinced by Jane that the tradition was not worth losing her chance to marry Basuli and confronted Chief Keewazi on how ridiculous it was. In anger, the Chief canceled the wedding, but Jane managed to make up the apology by cleaning the Chief's throne. Naoh managed to marry Basuli once he had returned.