Nasty Nanny is a character in Rhapsody in Blue, a segment from the 1999 animated film, Fantasia 2000. She is, as her name implies, a mean lady who does not treat Rachel properly.
Nasty Nanny is shown to be rude, spiteful, and grouchy, not getting along with Rachel very well. She pressures Rachel to try out many classes to which she doesn't show any interest in trying new things.
Physical appearance[]
Nanny wears a blue shirt with black skirt alongside black leggings and black slippers.
Fantasia 2000[]
Nasty Nanny is first seen with Rachel leaving alongside various people from an apartment building as Rachel's parents bid a farewell to her as they go to work. She takes Rachel to various classes such as dancing, music, swimming, art, gymnastics, and piano class to which Rachel does not seem satisfied much to her harshness.
Later while preparing her to get ready for another class, Rachel struggles and accidentally causes her ball to fall, followed by Rachel and Nanny chasing the ball falling off from the window just as Rachel's parents notice her in a large traffic in panic, alongside her nanny. Afterwards, Nanny faints in frustration while Rachel's parents save their daughter; Rachel's dream of being reunited with her parents finally comes true.