Natsilane from the Disney animated series, Gargoyles, is the young chieftain of the Haida on Queen Florence Island. He goes by the Western name of "Nick". He appears in the episode "Heritage".
Educated at the University at Harvard, Natsilane was skeptical about the legends and beliefs of his people, particularly the old tales of Raven lurking on a volcano top and periodically laying waste to the island.
Role in the series[]
In "Heritage", Natsilane is approached by Grandmother who tells him that he is the only one who can restore the barren land to well-being which Grandmother tells him to climb into the volcano to battle Raven to break the spell drying their land. Upon seeing an unconscious Elisa Maza, Natsilane and Grandmother bring her inside for safety.
At home, Natsilane approaches Grandmother who is preparing herbs and potions to heal Elisa which Natsilane leaves to call for a hospital chopper; later when Elisa regains her consciousness, Natsilane only finds out that she regained her consciousness just as Natsilane continues dicussing with Grandmother. Soon as Elisa leaves, Natsilane warns her that this is no time to go hiking around the island and as Elisa sees the totem poles which she thinks they were inspired by gargoyles, Nick replies to Elisa that totem poles are sculptures to honor animal ancestors which Natsilane refuses believe that gargoyles exist.
Later, Elisa introduces the Manhattan Clan consisting of Goliath, Angela, and Bronx who come to assist him to battle against Raven who has become a threat on Queen Florence Island which Natsilane feels skeptic at first. Later, he came to battle against Raven, demanding him to restore the barren land to which Natsilane comes into combat against Raven in a duel. With the totem beasts destroyed, Natsilane manages to defeat Raven in combat, which he flies away in retreat. Natsilane then asks Grandmother to know if he defeated Raven which Grandmother replies to him that he should see that the ways of the people should remain strong. Afterwards, Grandmother restores the barren land while the Manhattan Clan leaves the island of Queen Florence.
- Natsilane is based on the culture hero of Native American mythology, who is most famous for having created the first killer whale (orca) out of a block of wood.
- His battle outfit looks more like a stereotypical "Plains Native" costume than a Haida costume.
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