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"Never Mind, Bo-Peep" is a sad song in the film, Babes in Toyland.


Oh No! they can't be lost, did you look in the fields?

Mother Goose:
Did you search the hills?

Bo Peep:
Yes, I searched everywhere.

My sheep are gone for good,
There goes our livelihood
I’m sure, my poor, sweet, fleecy things
Would come home if they could

But they are lost, you see,
As lost, as lost can be,
And I must weep
Because my sheep cannot return to me

No, oh, no, they’re not gone for good.

Bo Peep:
Yes, oh, yes, they are gone for good.

Mother Goose:
Oh, no.

Bo Peep:
Oh, yes.

The Villagers:
Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

The Villagers:
Never mind, Bo-Peep,
We will find your sheep
Wherever they may roam.

Dry your tears, Bo-Peep.

Have no fears, Bo-Peep.

The Villagers:
Very soon your sheep will be home

Mary and Mother Goose:
For a while, Bo-Peep,
Try to smile, Bo-Peep
And try to keep this fact in mind

When they’re ready to,
They’ll come home to you
Wagging their tails behind

v - e - d
Babes in Toyland Logo
Babes in ToylandSoundtrack
Tom PiperMary ContraryBarnabyGonzorgo and RoderigoMr. ToymakerGrumioMother GooseSylvester J. GooseBo PeepBoy BlueWillie Winkie
Mother Goose VillageBarnaby's HouseThe Forest of No ReturnToyland
Toy SoldiersShrinking FormulaPoof Gun
Mother Goose Village and LemonadeWe Won't Be Happy 'Till We Get ItMary, Mary Quite ContraryJust A Whisper AwaySlowly He Sank to the Bottom of the SeaCastle in SpainNever Mind, Bo-PeepI Can't Do The SumFlorettaThe Forest of No ReturnToylandWorkshop SongJust A ToyMarch of the ToysTom and Mary