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The New Holland Elementary School is a location from Frankenweenie.


This elementary school is the one whom Victor attends with his teacher Mr. Rzykruski which the grades are through 6-8. Most of the school's subjects being highlighted are those related to science where Victor studied the subject of electricity at school. This subject reminded him to revive Sparky, inspiring him to do a similar process of what was done to a frog at school but onto Sparky instead. Victor was able to experiment electricity on Sparky and bring him to life.

Science Fair[]

In addition to classes, the school offers opportunities to attend the science fair where students must show the offer to their parents so they can participate. The use of dangerous materials for the school's science fair is not allowed such as a death ray which participators cannot use, leading them to disqualification. Participants whose entries are successful are able to win a trophy if they follow the instructions on the permission slip before participating.



The school is first seen where Mr. Rzykruski introduces himself to his class planning to be his new science teacher, due to Mr. Holcomb having an incident. Edgar "E" Gore replies to his teacher that he was hit but lightning, which he denies, telling him that lightning does not hit a person the way they are hit by a baseball or a cabbage and is simply electricity, just as he gives his class a subject centered around electricity as well as electrons which rush to the "land of opportunity". Toshiaki replies that lightning happens to people all the time here in New Holland, just as Bib, Weird Girl, and Nassor interrupt for a bit. After class ends, Mr. Rzykruski hands a permission slip for science fair to his students for their parents to sign if they are to attend where Bob is excited to win a trophy while Victor Frankenstein goes into a brief chat with the Weird Girl which Victor finds no interest in her.

The next day during class, Mr. Rzykruski gives his student of how the process of electricity works while Victor draws a picture of Sparky on his notebook where he shows a motionless frog as a subject, telling his class of how the frog's muscles respond to the electricity where Mr. Rzykruski puts the cables onto the frog's legs while he turns a dial on the battery which the frog's legs start to move, which inspired Victor to revive Sparky. The plan to revive Sparky was successful. Later during a PTA meeting, Mr. Burgermeister tells the audience about the dangers of science experiments which Victor's father replies to the Mayor telling him that his son Victor is crazy about Mr. Rzykruski whom he thinks is good planning to give him a chance to explain himself. Soon as Mr. Rzykruski arrives, he gives a speech telling the audience that science is like magic and witchcraft, telling them that he was trying to give education to his students during class. The next day, Mr. Rzykruski leaves school with his belongings with the Gym Teacher takes over his position where she serves as the school's new science teacher while Victor sees Rzykruski planning to leave after being fired from his job. As Victor discusses with him, he tells him that he should be a scientist like what he did before where Victor recaps of his first time doing a science experiment as Victor's teacher replies to him that people think science is here but it is also here in his experience high Victor remembers his first time experimenting before his teacher left. Mr. Rzykruski then replies to Victor that science is neither good or bad, but it can be used both ways, telling him to experiment carefully just before leaving.

Later when it was found out that Victor revived Sparky, it inspired Edgar, Bob, Toshiaki, Nassor, and the Weird Girl to do the same thing Victor did to Sparky albeit using different animals. Edgar returns to the school grounds where he finds a dead rat inside a trashcan where he places it on the teacher's desk where Edgar places two cables onto the rat just as the lightning strikes the flagpole to cause the electricity to enter the classroom and electrocute the rat, turning it a mutant rat. Meanwhile, the gym teacher walks around the hallway where she enters the room where she took over Mr. Rzykruski's position to see nothing at first, only for the mutated rat to emerge and frighten her. It is unknown of what happened to the school afterwards.


  • In the original 1984 short, the elementary school was simply an unnamed school, unlike the one in the 2012 film where it was given a unique name, due to the location being set in New Holland.

External links[]

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Frankenweenie logo
Frankenweenie (short)Frankenweenie (soundtrack) • Captain Sparky vs. The Flying Saucers
Victor FrankensteinBen FrankensteinSusan FrankensteinSparkyElsa Van HelsingPersephoneToshiakiNassorEdgar "E" GoreWeird GirlBobMr. RzykruskiMr. WhiskersInvisible GoldfishWere-RatShelleyColossusMr. BurgermeisterGym TeacherSea CreaturesNew Holland Townsfolk
New HollandNew Holland Elementary SchoolNew Holland Pet CemeteryNew Holland Windmill
Praise Be New HollandPet SemetaryStrange Love