The New Holland Townsfolk are characters who are featured in the 2012 Disney film Frankenweenie. They are citizens who live in the town of New Holland.
The townsfolk are a group of people who live in the city of New Holland. Often serving as background characters, they can occasionally take part throughout the film's plot such as during a PTA meeting at the New Holland Elementary School or during the Dutch Day festival. They had a major role during the climax of the film where Mr. Burgermeister starts an angry mob of townsfolk against Sparky where he leads them to go after him who they think Victor's dog is a threat to the town. They later work together at the end of the film with Victor's parents where they plan to revive Sparky through the use of electric cables from their cars, which Sparky is successfully revived.
Role in the film[]
The New Holland townsfolk are background characters who often appear in certain scenes centered around the story's plot. Such occasions of the incidental townsfolk consist of Sparky running past two individual mothers and their babies at the park, a group of unnamed children at the New Holland Elementary School attending science class, or during the part where Victor plays baseball throughout a match. Later after Bob injures himself by falling off a roof while testing his science project of having bottles of soda to "launch" himself as a rocket, various townspeople are gathered into a PTA meeting held by Mr. Burgermeister who believes that Mr. Rzykruski is giving his students dangerous lessons which the crowd accuses Rzykruski for such lesson, resulting him in being fired.
Later during the Dutch Day festival, the citizens of New Holland are seen ejoying the festival during the annual Dutch Day event. However, when Edgar "E" Gore, Nassor, Bob, Toshiaki, and the Weird Girl experiment of what Victor did to Sparky earlier, the creatures they used throughout the film cause a massive rampage across the Dutch Day festival, as well as causing destruction across town. Although Victor helped defeat the Sea-Monkeys and the gigantic turtle Shelley followed by the Were-Rat being electrocuted to death by Sparky, Mr. Burgermeister starts an angry mob of townsfolk to find the culprit responsible the destruction of the festival.
As Sparky passes by, everyone sees Sparky in the festival as Burgermeister leads the mob who are equipped with torches and other weapons where as they chase Sparky across the city of New Holland where they attempt to kill him while Victor's parents attempt to reunite Sparky with his owners. As the angry mob arrives at a windmill, Burgermeister incites to know what happened to his niece Elsa, unaware that his torch is setting the windmill on fire while Elsa who is inside the windmill is still assaulted by Mr. Whiskers who mutated in a batlike cat creature. As Victor's parents attempt to enter, a man warns the two that they should avoid entering. Throughout the climax, Victor manges to help Elsa reunite with her uncle (also causing him to lose his torch) while being confronted by Mr. Whiskers who ferociously clashes against him, causing the two to fall to the side of the windmill (though Victor survives). After Mr. Whiskers was crushed to death by falling debris and Sparky was crushed by more debris unconsciously, the townspeople of New Holland work together to help revive Victor's dog using cars and placing cable wires on Sparky while Victor's father tells them to start their engines. All of a sudden, Victor attempts to look for signs of life which all of a sudden, Sparky comes to life as the people notice Sparky reuniting with his owner.
- Some of the Frankensteins' neighbors' roles from the original 1984 short were given to the New Holland townsfolk in the 2012 film - despite the 2012 film having a completely different setting from the original live-action short.
- Tom Kenny was the only actor credited as the voice of multiple townsfolk as seen in the end credits of the film.
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