The New York Sanctum is a base for the Masters of the Mystic Arts located in New York City. Doctor Strange was the one who guarded the sanctum until his role of Sorcerer Supreme was taken over by Wong, following Strange being a result of Thanos' snap. The sanctum is now back under Doctor Strange's watch despite Wong being the Sorcerer Supreme.
In 2012, the Ancient One defended the New York Sanctum when Loki and the Chitauri invaded Earth.
Before the Battle at the New York Sanctum, Daniel Drumm, the former master of the New York Sanctum was killed by Kaecilius. This was witnessed by Doctor Strange who proceeded to battle Kaecilius and his Zealots.
In 2016, Stephen Strange was sent through a portal that took him to the New York Sanctum, where he started looking for anybody and had soon discovered the Rotunda of Gateways, as well as the Cloak of Levitation, which had seemed to acknowledge him, during his time looking around all of the corridors and searching around for someone to help him get back. After the Ancient One's death and Kaecilius's defeat, Strange was put in charge of the New York Sanctum, which became his home, with Wong. The two formed a close bond annd worked together to protect New York City while living here.
Several months later in 2017, Stephen was living at the sanctum where he summoned Thor Odinson to visit him. Here, Strange and Thor discussed Loki's actions and that the trickster was not welcome in New York. Thor explained that he and Loki were looking for their father and since Strange knew where Odin was, he sent both Loki and Thor through a portal to Norway, the location in which their father was.
In 2018, Doctor Strange and Wong were ambushed when the sanctum floor was destroyed by the arrival of Bruce Banner, whom had just been sent through the bifrost and warned the masters of the oncoming arrival of Thanos, whom neither of them knew existed. Learning of the warlock, Strange invited Tony Stark to the sanctum after informing him and his fiancée' Pepper Potts that Strange, Banner and Wong all needed his help. Arriving in the sanctum, the heroes discussed Thanos' plans and Wong informed Banner and Stark about the Infinity Stones, which Thanos planned to use to eliminate half of the universe. After Thanos succeeded, Strange was one of the 50% of the universe whom was erased from existence and the sanctum was left to Wong, who gained the title of Sorcerer Supreme in the five years Doctor Strange was gone.
Following Strange's return, along with the dusted, Wong was still the sorcerer supreme, but the sanctum was back under Strange's watch. A year later in 2024, Peter Parker visited the sanctum to ask for Doctor Strange's help in casting a spell that would make everyone forget Mysterio revealed his identity as Spider-Man. However, while doing the spell in the basement, Parker botched it, which brought everyvillain who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man in everyuniverse, into the current universe. Once both Doctor Strange and Spider-Man located the villains, they brought them to the undercroft of the sanctum where they were kept until they could return to their own universes. Strange allowed Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds to visit the sanctum and work with Parker in the undercroft, much to Leeds' delight and amazement.
In November that same year, following the universe forgetting who Peter Parker was, Strange and Wong met America Chavez and brought her to the sanctum for a short time after learning she was being hunted by the Scarlet Witch for her powers to travel to different universes.