Northwest Manor was the previous home of Pacifica Northwest and her family. It was built 150 years ago by the loggers of Gravity Falls. After a year of building, they where promised a big celebration called Northwest Fest. But when completed, the family turned the town folks away. One of the loggers died in front of the house from a mud slide and promised to take revenge on the Northwest family. Pacifica's family was forced to sell their house after Preston became allies with Bill Cipher and invested in Weirdness bonds. In the series finale, Old Man McGucket bought the house from them.
Over the next 150 years, the Northwest family had lived in the manor throwing parties for the wealthy and high class. At the same time they have stolen from the town people, hunted and killed many animals, worked for the Nazis, coned the native Americans and many other unthinkable things all of these things painted and hidden deep within the manor. The house is full of expensive things and including many rare animals like peacocks.
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