Oakey Oaks is a town located in an anthropomorphic version of the United States, similar to Nottingham. It serves as the main setting in Disney's 2005 animated feature film, Chicken Little.
Oakey Oaks is a quiet suburban town, inhabited entirely by anthropomorphic animals. The town offers many stores and services, including a china shop, an eye doctor, tailors, a barber shop, a book store, and a cheese store. In the rural outskirts of the town, there are several large corn fields and barns. Oakey Oaks Middle School is where many of the children get their education. The only baseball field in town hosts the middle school championship baseball game. A large bell tower and a statue of Mayor Turkey Lurkey seem like the town's major landmarks. Overall, Oakey Oaks has a very safe and welcoming feel to it.
Cluck's Residence: The home of Chicken Little and his father Buck and formally his late wife Chloe.
Baseball Field: The baseball field where Chicken Little signed up. After losing to Foxy Loxy, Little trained hard and eventually ends up winning after hitting a baseball the first time and doing a home run.
One of the movies playing in the Oakey Oaks theater is a clip from "Raiders of the Lost Ark", the first movie in the Indiana Jones series during the part where the water tower rolls towards the Oakey Oaks movie house.