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Onyx is the primary antagonist from the Disney Channel original series The Villains of Valley View. He was a mysterious masked hooded figure was the undisputed leader of the League of Villains. He is portrayed by Steve Blum.



Onyx was one of the most powerful supervillains and the head of the League of Villains. As their leader, Onyx forced all villains to celebrate Onyx Day, a holiday where all villains bow down to their supreme leader and shower him with gifts. He made them celebrate this holiday every day. Years later, Onyx promotes Slither to be his second-in-command, replacing Surge. When Havoc asks him to reconsider his demotion of her mother, Onyx denigrates her entire family. This infuriates Havoc so intensely that she attacks him. Yet even prone on the ground, Onyx easily delivers a blast that knocks Havoc down as well and causes her to flee in mortal terror. Onyx condemns his assailant and the rest of her family, causing them to go on the run from Centropolis, as fugitives from both sides of the law. He is actively looking for them alongside the League of Villains.


  • He alongside Colby are the only character in the shows to have more than one power.
  • His appearance maybe inspired by the Marvel villain Doctor Doom from the Fantastic Four
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The Villains of Valley View Logo Transparent
The Villains of Valley View
Supervillains: HavocChaosFlashformKraniacSurgeOnyxOculonClone ChaosGrandmaImagerShadow
Superheroes: StarlingCaptain Valor
Valley View Citizens: HartleyCeliaRobert GossmanGemMiloMr. TennysonScarlettDonna PlankMary StephensDaphne TennysonWallace
Season 1: "Finding Another Dimension" • "Trust No One" • "The Villain Experience" • "Belts, Bulls & Superfans" • "ColossaCon!" • "Super Secrets" • "A Little Havoc" • "The Two Jakes" • "Battle for My Brother" • "Unleash the Chaos" • "Havoc-ween" • "Showdown at the Round Up" • "Friend or Foe" • "Vials and Tribulations" • "We Don’t Care" • "Bad Energy" • "No Escape" • "How the Villains Stole Christmas"

Season 2: "Villain Number One" • "Power Hungry" • "Dojo Mojo" • "Overnight Success" • "Party People" • "Vases, Volcanoes & the Green-Eyed Monster" • "Fired Up" • "The Scare" • "Family Secrets" • "Power Struggle" • "Hidden Hero" • "The Promposal" • "The Haunted Jukebox" • "Guitar Hero" • "Bad Influence" • "A Tale of Two Havocs" • "The Return" • "A Very Villain Christmas"

"We Don't Care" • "This Is Where the Party's At" • "A Place for Everyone"