"Options Are Shrinking" is the twenty-seventh episode of the animated short series, Descendants: Wicked World. It premiered on January 13, 2017 and is the ninth episode in the second season.
Upon meeting Zevon, they learn from him that when Mal came to the Isle of the Lost to find her Birthright Jewel, she disabled the magical dome for a few seconds. This gave Zevon the chance he needed to slip out while the dome was opened. He swam for most of the way to Auradon and then got a ride in a rowboat from CJ Hook, who suddenly swings into the scene. She is helping Zevon in his plot to take over Auradon in exchange for a full fifty foot schooner. At first Carlos does not believe it, but soon sees that Zevon is not kidding when he expresses his desire to fulfill his family's destiny in ruling an Empire.
Jay, Carlos, Jane, and Freddie try to apprehend Zevon, but end up being put under spells that make them walk backwards and spin like spinning tops. Zevon has created a selection of potions using the chemicals he stole from the school's chemistry lab. Then after taking a joyful moment to admire Jay, Carlos, Jane and Freddie's predicament, Zevon shrunk them down and with CJ's help trapped them inside Jordan's Lamp. Then after CJ left, Zevon turned his attention back to stealing the Birthright Jewels, only to realize they have been moved. So now he decides to crash the Jewel-bilee.
- Booboo Stewart as Jay
- Cameron Boyce as Carlos De Vil
- Brenna D'Amico as Jane
- Lauryn McClain as Freddie Facilier
- Bradley Steven Perry as Zevon
- Myrna Velasco as CJ Hook
- Ben's formal attire is the same attire he wore during his coronation in Descendants.
- This is the second time Bradley Steven Perry and Booboo Stewart have worked together; the first being Lab Rats: Elite Force. Coincidentally, they also played enemies to each other, but here, their roles are reversed where instead, Bradley is the antagonist.
- This is the second episode where Mal does not appear, following "Audrey's New Do? New Don't!".