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Orion is a planet that appears in 2018 Disney film adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time.


Orion is a planet that has no colors within the landscape. Most of the landmarks seen within this planet are rocks - many which are balanced impossible on top one another as well as several other resembling sculptures. One of the landmarks noticeable in this film is the Happy Medium's lair, where he helps the heroes find a way to save Meg's father from the It.


The planet Orion was one of the most complex scenes the Wrinkle in Time production crew worked on by developing a very unique landscape, the rocky world. The structures seen on the planet are inspired by structures from some indigenous African cultures where small details of African-influenced structures were placed in the background. The props used to build the rock formations were designed by Rich McBride, which were done in his department, as the production crew put a lot of hard work in designing the planet.[1]

Role in the film[]

After Mrs. Whatsit knows of a seer who would help, Mrs. Which uses the power of tesseract to bring Meg, Charles, and Calvin to meet the Happy Medium inside his lair, bringing the three to the planet Orion. Mrs. Which guides Meg who helps her follow Calvin and Charles who are guided by Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit respectively. Far from them, Mrs. Which tells Meg of how many events and choices occurred since the birth of the universe and how she was born, which Meg never thought about it as Mrs. Which tells her that the time has come for her to think about it as they walk far across the plateau into a mysterious cave.

Thereupon, they encounter the Happy Medium who tells Meg and the others to think while balancing on one foot in a plan to help Meg rescue her father, while Mrs. Which assists her without looking away. Mrs. Which narrates about the negativity spread the It, whose home may be in Camazotz, but his reach spreads far beyond the universe, including Earth and the only thing traveling faster in the universe other than light is the darkness, as the darkness negatively effects the lives of the inhabitants of Earth. Mrs. Which also explains that when more the fear spreads, the worse the rage becomes and the more this occurs, the darkness will spread across the whole universe, planning to fight against the It and the forces of evil.

After listening to the story that she told her about the It's negativity, Meg becomes determined to help fight against the darkness with help from the Happy Medium who tells her to trust him and put faith in herself. Realizing that her father was captured at Camazotz, Meg hugs the Happy Medium, while Mrs. Whatsit tells Meg that the It captured her father, leading Meg and her allies to travel to Camazotz and rescue him. Meg begins devising a plan to find a way to get into Camazotz, which Mrs. Which tells her that no one can tesser to this location, but rather only to places where there is light but rather return to Earth for safety. The Mrs. Ws plan to send Meg back to Earth for safety, but Meg instead re-directs the tesseract to Camazotz.

After the It was destroyed, the darkness spreading all over the universe was wiped away thanks to Meg who saved her father. This results in all the negativity throughout Orion to be wiped away.



  • In the original book, the planet Orion was simply an unnamed planet on Orion's Belt where the Happy Medium lives, whereas the name Orion was created exclusively in the 2018 adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time to refer to an individual planet where the Happy Medium lives.


  1. A Wrinkle in Time (2018) audio commentary (A Wrinkle in Time (2018) Blu-ray / Digital platforms)

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A Wrinkle in Time Logo
A Wrinkle in Time (2003)A Wrinkle in Time (2018) (soundtrack/video)
Meg MurryCharles Wallace MurryCalvin O'KeefeItMr. MurryMrs. MurryMrs. WhichMrs. WhoMrs. WhatsitHappy MediumPrincipal JenkinsVeronica KileyFlowersAunt Beast
Flower of the UniverseWarriorI Believe