"Painting the Roses Red" is a song featured in Disney's 1951 animated feature film, Alice in Wonderland, sung by the Queen of Hearts' card soldiers (specifically the Ace, Two, and Three of Clubs) when Alice first enters the garden. The cards try to explain to Alice that they are painting the roses red because the Queen likes those and they planted white ones by mistake. Unfortunately for them, the Queen catches on to their ruse due to a single poorly painted rose, and has them beheaded anyway.
The song is also featured in various episodes of Alice's Wonderland Bakery. Whenever the card soldiers are ordered by the Queen of Hearts to paint the roses red, they sing the song as they paint.
Cards: Painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We dare not stop
Or waste a drop
So let the paint be spread
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
Ooh, painting the roses red
And many a tear we shed
Because we know
They'll cease to grow
In fact, they'll soon be dead
And yet we go ahead
Painting the roses red
Painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
Alice: Oh, pardon me,
But Mister Three,
Why must you paint them red?
Cards: Huh? Oh!
Three: Well, the fact is, Miss,
We planted the white roses by mistake,
Cards: The Queen she likes 'em red
If she saw white instead,
Two: She'd raise a fuss
Ace: And each of us
Cards: Would quickly lose his head
Alice: Goodness!
Cards: Since this is the thought we dread
We're painting the roses red
Alice: Oh, dear! Then let me help you!
Alice: Painting the roses red
All: We're painting the roses red
Don't tell the Queen what you have seen
Or say that's what we said
But we're painting the roses red
Alice: Yes, painting the roses red
Two: Not pink
Ace: Not green
Alice: Not aquamarine
All: We're painting the roses red!
The Queen of Hearts: Who's been painting my roses red?
Who's been painting my roses red?!
Who dares to taint with vulgar paint
The royal flower bed?
For painting my roses red
Someone will lose his head!
3 of Clubs: Oh no! Your Majesty, please! It's all his fault!
2 of Clubs: Not me, Your Grace, the Ace! The Ace!
Queen of Hearts: You?
Ace of Clubs: No! Two!
Queen of Hearts: The Deuce, you say?
2 of Clubs: Not me, the Trey!
Cards: They're going to lose their heads
For painting the roses red
It serves them right
They planted white
But roses should be red
Oh, they're going to lose their heads...
Queen of Hearts: SILENCE!!!
Alice: Painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We dare not stop
Or waste a drop
So let the paint be spread
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
White Rabbit and Mad Hatter: Painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
Alice: Oh, pardon me
But Mister Three
Why must you paint them red?
White Rabbit and Mad Hatter: The Queen she likes 'em red
If she saw white instead,
Mad Hatter: She'd raise a fuss
White Rabbit: And each of us
would quickly lose his head
Alice: Goodness!
White Rabbit and Mad Hatter: Since this is the part we dread
We're painting the roses red
Alice: Oh, Dear! Then red shall be. All together now.
Alice: Painting the roses red
All: We're painting the roses red
Don't tell the Queen what you have seen
Or say that's what we said
But we're painting the roses red
Alice: Yes, painting the roses red
White Rabbit: Not pink
Mad Hatter: Not green
Alice: Not aquamarine
All: We're painting the roses red!