"Parental Discretion Retired" is the thirteenth episode of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. It aired on May 21, 1989. It was the last episode to premiere on Disney Channel before the show moved to syndication that fall.
Monty's father Cheddarhead Charlie comes to visit, and tries to help the Rangers stop Fat Cat's latest scheme, but his rash way of doing things are only getting in the way.
- Corey Burton as Dale, Zipper, Mole
- Peter Cullen as Monterey Jack, Mepps, Sponge, Old Crab
- Jim Cummings as Fat Cat, Wart, Cheddarhead Charlie
- Tress MacNeille as Chip, Gadget Hackwrench, Camembert Kate, Starfish Waitress, Sturgeon
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