"Partners, Am I Right?" is the fourth episode of the Disney+ streaming television miniseries, Hawkeye and was released on December 8, 2021. It was written by Erin Cancino & Heather Quinn and directed by Bert & Bertie.
Clint shows Kate how to knock someone out with a coin, which is something he does with his brother in the comics.
After the LARP (Live Action Role Play) battle, Clint meets up with a few of the players and in the room, games such as Rise of the Tomb Raider are seen.
Clint watching Kate fall mirror's Natasha's sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame, but Kate survives unlike Natasha. When Clint cuts Kate lose and she falls, the music in the background is also the same one played during Natasha's death scene.
Yelena has her hair braided just like how Natasha had hers braided in Black Widow.