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"Pepper Ann's Day Off-Kilter" is the 23rd episode of the second season of Pepper Ann. It aired on January 9, 1999.


Fed up with having no sick days, Pepper Ann fakes sick, and finds that life at home is boring.


Pepper Ann awakens to a cold morning and becomes agitated over the fact that everyone has had a sick day except for her. She decides to fake one and manages to do so successfully. Pepper Ann tells Milo and Nicky where to her surprise, Nicky is supportive of the act and Milo is against it. Lydia and Moose leave for the day and have Pepper Ann stay on the couch, watch TV and drink fluids all day. At first, Pepper Ann enjoys the perks of being sick, but suddenly begins to grow bored and misses going to school; wondering if she is missing anything today.

Pepper Ann calls Lydia claiming that she is feeling better, but Lydia does not believe her and hangs up. She then attempts to sneak into school, but gets caught by Nurse Oomla and gets sent back home. Devastated over spending the day with nothing to do, her reflection gives her a pep talk and she sneaks back into the school and asks Nicky to help her. Nicky distracts the class with a personal explanation on imaginary numbers while Pepper Ann slips in. True to form, nobody realizes that she had been missing, but the day ends already.

With it being past twelve, Pepper Ann rushes home so that Lydia does not catch her. She makes it back in time, but her excessive moving gives the impression that she is still sick and Lydia demands that she continue to rest. Upset, Pepper Ann comes clean and admits that she faked being sick and tried to sneak into school, but got sent home instead. Lydia still does not believe her and thinks that her honesty is her being sickly delusional. When Pepper Ann tries to show how active she is, Lydia takes her upstairs and doubles down on her recuperation; saying that she needs to stay home an extra day.



  • "You Can Rap"


  • This is the second episode to have a musical segment, the first one being "Mash into Me".

External links[]

v - e - d
Pepper AnnPepper Ann Main ThemePepper Ann (song)
Pepper Ann PearsonAlter EgoNicky LittleMilo KamalaniMoose PearsonBecky LittleDieter LiederhosenTrinket St. BlairCissy RooneyTessa and Vanessa JamesPink-Eye PeteAlice KaneGwen MezzrowStewart (Stuart) WalldingerShelf McClainConstance GoldmanLamar Abu DabeSketchCraig BeanCrashLydia PearsonChuck PearsonJanie DiggityJoJo DiggityNed DiggityBrendaMean GirlEffie ShruggAbriola StarkCarlotta SneedRoland CarterCoach DooganBronte BladdarSherman FinkyVera Groober-SchwartzPrincipal HickeyHazelnutians
Season 1: "Ziterella" • "Romeo & Juliet" / "Food Barn" • "Old Best Friend" / "Crunch Pod" • "Psychic Moose" / "Doll & Chain" • "Megablades of Grass" / "Family Vacation" • "Sani-Paper" / "The Big Pencil" • "Uniform, Uniformity" / "Snot Your Mother's Music" • "The Environ-Mentals" • "In Support of" / "Nicky Gone Bad" • "Soccer Season" / "Crush & Burn" • "Thanksgiving Dad" • "Have You Ever Been Unsupervised" / "The Unusual Suspects" • "Sketch 22" / "Manly Milo"

Season 2: "Quiz Bowl" / "License to Drive" • "Cocoon Gables" / "Green-Eyed Monster" • "Hazelnut's Finest" / "Cat Scan" • "An OtterBiography" / "GreenSleeves" • "Vanessa Less Tessa" / "Peer Counselor P.A." • "A 'Tween Halloween" / "Mash into Me" • "Framed" / "Radio Freak Hazelnut" • "Presenting Stewart Waldinger" / "P.A.'s Life in a Nutshell" • "Like Riding a Bike" • "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Milo" / "The Sisterhood" • "Impractical Jokes" / "Cold Feet" • "Doppelganger Didi" / "Pepper Ann's Day Off-Kilter" • "A No Hair Day" / "That's My Dad"
Season 3: "Burn, Hazelnut, Burn" / "The Wash-Out" • "G.I. Janie" / "Miss Moose" • "Pepper Shaker" / "Flaw and Order" • "Def Comedy Mom" / "Career Daze" • "Baggy Bean Buddies" / "The Spanish Imposition" • "The Beans of Wrath" / "Effie Shrugged" • "The Velvet Room" • "One Angry Woman" • "The Sellout" / "The Telltale Fuzzy" • "Dances with Ignorance" / "Girl Power" • "Sammy's Song" / "Permanent Record" • "Live and Let Dye" • "Remote Possibilities" / "Considering Constance" • "You Oughta Be in Musicals!" • "Beyond Good and Evel" / "One of the Guys" • "The First Date Club" / "Unicycle of Life" • "To Germany with Love" • "A Valentine's Day Tune" • "Bye, Bye Trinket" / "P.A.'s Pop Fly" • "My Mother, Myself" • "The Amazing Becky Little" • "A Kosher Christmas" • "The Untitled Milo Kamalani Project" / "Guess Who's Coming to the Theater" • "Single Unemployed Mother" / "Mom Knows What P.A. Did Two Nights Ago" • "The Great Beyond" / "Jaybirds of a Feather" • "The Way They Were"
Season 4: "The One with Mr. Reason" / "Sense and Senselessness" • "Dear Debby" / "Reality Bytes" • "Complimentary Colors" • "Searching for Pepper Ann Pearson" / "Forging Ahead" • "Carmello" / "Too Cool to Be Mom" • "The Word" / "The Perfect Couple" • "The Merry Lives of Pepper Ann" • "Strike it or Not" / "Moose in Love" • "Two's Company" / "A is for Average" • "That's My Mama Destructo" / "Unhappy Campers" • "The Finale" • "Spice of Life" / "Alice Kane Went Down to Calcutta" • "T.G.I.F." / "Zen and the Art of Milo"

Hazelnut Middle SchoolPepper Ann's House
See also
House of Mouse