"Pig-Malion" is the first segment from the 71st episode of The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa.
After Pumbaa fails to catch a bee, Timon shows his friend that he built a machine that catches bugs, which he calls the Lazy Meerkat Bug Scooper 9000. However, the machine turns out to be a failure as it instead catches Timon and Pumbaa and gets destroyed. The two friends then meet hedgehog professor named Dr. Tobias J. Exeter, who figures out what went wrong with Timon's invention. The hedgehog rebuilds the machine, which succeeds in catching bugs, much to Pumbaa's amazement.
When Exeter states that he seeks new students for his thesis, Pumbaa suggests that he and Timon should get an education to be smart, but Timon refuses to do so. Exeter says that Timon is afraid to learn, and in answer to the hedgehog's mockery, Timon makes him give him some assignments to do. Exeter then gives Timon and Pumbaa homework. At night, Pumbaa does his homework, but Timon procrastinates, eating bug pizza and playing with his yo-yo instead.
The next day, Timon and Pumbaa are at Exeter's university. Pumbaa writes his report while Timon does nothing except throw paper planes and spitballs at Pumbaa. Exeter calls Timon up and asks the meerkat read his report. Timon claims that his report is about boots, but the hedgehog is unimpressed and makes him sit down. Pumbaa then reads what he has written, much to Timon's shock. Exeter gives Pumbaa three gold stars for his work while he gives Timon a dunce cap for his poor performance. Later that night, Pumbaa does his homework while Timon procrastinates again.
The next day, Exeter teaches Timon and Pumbaa dance lessons. While he is impressed by Pumbaa's dance, he isn't impressed by Timon's, as the meerkat does a disco dance which causes the ball to fall on him. He therefore gives Timon another dunce cap. Later that night, Pumbaa tells Timon that they have a final exam the next day and that he should study tonight. However, Timon ignores his friend's words and puts off studying once again.
The next day, Timon and Pumbaa are having their final exam on chemistry. Pumbaa passes and graduates, but Timon fails, causing Exeter to expel the meerkat. Pumbaa tries to get Exeter to give Timon a chance, but Timon suggests that the hedgehog is right and that Pumbaa is now the smart. Not wanting to get in the way of Pumbaa's intelligence, Timon sadly walks away, much to Pumbaa's sadness as he just lost his best friend. Exeter then tells Pumbaa that because of his achievements, he's recommended him for a highly coveted academic position. It turns out that the position he's giving Pumbaa is putting him in a cage and send him to the Dissection Labs of Hedgehog University, where he and his "large brain" will be used as an experimental test subject. Realizing Exeter's true intentions, Pumbaa yells at Timon for help, but the meerkat doesn't seem to hear him.
Pumbaa and Exeter are now at the dissection lab, with Pumbaa locked inside a cage. As the hedgehog prepares to dissect Pumbaa, he asks his assistant to bring him the electro anesthetizer, only to be shocked by it himself. The assistant turns out to be Timon in disguise, who helps Pumbaa out of the cage.
As they try to escape Exeter, Timon and Pumbaa get in a control room, which Pumbaa calls a dead end. Timon tells Pumbaa that he did his homework and knows the way out. Exeter walks in and warns Timon about an atomic generator. The meerkat fixes it, thinking that it will either transform into a jet car and send him and his friend back to their jungle safely or it will blow the entire university up. He pushes a button on the machine and the whole building explodes. Timon tells Pumbaa that from now on, he will always do his homework, right after he finishes his yo-yo practice.
See Also[]
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