"Pirate Robot" is the first segment of the one hundred and eleventh episode of PJ Masks. It premiered on October 29, 2021 alongside "Owlette, The Pirate Queen", and is the first segment of the eighth episode in the fifth season.
Gekko wants to play a pirate but is overshadowed by a pirate villain. Gekko wants to catch the villain but also wants to be the best pirate!
Cast & Characters[]
- Evan O'Donnell - Connor / Catboy
- Addison Holley - Amaya / Owlette
- Benjamin Hum - Greg / Gekko
- Juan Luis Bonilla - PJ Robot
- Wyatt White - Pirate Robot
- Jacob Soley - Night Ninja
- Rob Tinkler Ninjalinos / Teacher
- Callum Shinoker - Romeo
- Ron Pardo - Robot
The episode opens at night. Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos are playing pirate again and plot to loot the Sky Factory. The Ninjalinos are so eager that they board the Sky Factory before being given the command by Night Ninja. On board the factory, Robot serves Romeo his breakfast. Romeo dislikes Robot's cooking, however, and decides to make himself a chef robot. He loads the necessary components into his machine, but before he can finish the process, Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos attack and begin to wreck havoc inside the factory. In the attack, Night Ninja's pirate hat falls into the machine, and instead of a chef robot, the machine ends up creating Pirate Robot. Scared by Pirate Robot, the Ninjalinos abandon the Sky Factory. Night Ninja can't follow since he forgot his parachute, and instead tries to fight off Pirate Robot with Sticky Splat. Pirate Robot easily deflects the projectiles and splats both Night Ninja and Romeo. Along with his sidekick Hornswoggle, Pirate Robot takes over the Sky Factory.
The following morning, Greg is preparing to play a pirate in an upcoming school play. Then he, Connor and Amaya notice the treasure for the play has gone missing, and a pirate flag was left at the scene of the crime. That night, they transform into the PJ Masks to find the missing treasure. They quickly find a trail of golden coins that leads them straight to Pirate Robot. Gekko, who is eager to prove himself a true pirate, immediately engages Pirate Robot in a sword fight, but finds himself outmatched, and Pirate Robot escapes with the treasure.
The PJs regroup in HQ and with the PJ Picture Player discover how Pirate Robot was created, and that Romeo and Night Ninja are now his prisoners. They decide to go to the Sky Factory with the Owl-Glider in hopes that Romeo knows how to stop Pirate Robot. Unfortunately, Pirate Robot has followed them to HQ and plots to steal the Owl-Glider. Gekko challenges Pirate Robot to a pirate shanty contest. Pirate Robot agrees, but seizes the opportunity to steal the Owl-Glider and infiltrate HQ, locking PJ Robot out in the process. Once inside, he accidentally activates the rocket ship mode, and HQ blasts off. Owlette and Gekko give chase, with Catboy urging Gekko to focus on capturing Pirate Robot instead of proving himself the best pirate.
Owlette drops off Gekko at HQ. Inside, Pirate Robot spots the Flying Factory and attacks it with HQ's furball projectiles. While Gekko confronts Pirate Robot again, one of the furballs hits the Sky Factory and frees Night Ninja, but also knocks him overboard. Fortunately, the trees in the park break his fall. Another furball bounces off the Sky Factory again and hits HQ, sending it out of control. Pirate Robot is launched from HQ into space, while Catboy and Owlette rush to Gekko's aid. They get HQ under control and follow Pirate Robot, who is now floating on an asteroid in space. Gekko finally puts his rivalry with Pirate Robot aside and saves the villain from being hit by another asteroid.
Catboy and Owlette pick them up in HQ and they all return to Earth. While Pirate Robot is grateful for the rescue, he vows to come back later. The PJs claim they will be ready for him and shout their victory cry. On the Sky Factory, Robot frees Romeo and serves him breakfast again: the same dish as always. Romeo screams in frustration as the episode ends.