Pixar Popcorn is a Pixar short series that premiered on Disney+ on January 22, 2021. This series follows everyone's favorite characters in bite-sized Pixar shorts made by various animators from Toy Story to Soul.
Pixar Popcorn is a collection of animated shorts created by Pixar animators showcasing numerous animated shorts from the Pixar universe where characters from Pixar films have their own adventures in their shorts. Episodes in Pixar Popcorn show different franchise-inspired episodes where characters have new adventures throughout the shorts, with no scripts, storyboards, or new designs.
Sequoia Blankenship, Simon Christen, Joshua Dai, Eric S. Degner, Lucas Fraga Pacheco, Matt Majers, Andreas Procopiou, Montaque Ruffin, Kristoff Vergne, Anthony Ho Wong