"Planet of the Capes" is the fifty-first episode of the 1st season of Darkwing Duck. It aired on November 27, 1991.
On the planet of superheroes, the only non-superhero, called Ordinary Guy, has disappeared, so Comet Guy convinces Darkwing to come to the planet to act as a replacement. After a while, D.W. figures out that Ordinary Guy left because he was tired of being saved, so he tries to bring in a villain for the heroes to fight. After failing to teach Comet Guy how to be a villain, they find that Ordinary Guy has now become a villain, whom D.W. must now fight.
Voice Cast[]
- William Callaway - Comet Guy
- Jim Cummings - Darkwing Duck, Ordinary Guy (altered voice)
- Dorian Harewood - Official Guy
- Ron Palillo - Ordinary Guy
- Maggie Roswell - Superheroine
- Final appearance of Comet Guy.
- The title is a reference to the American science fiction media franchise, Planet of the Apes.
- Apparently Comet Guy's planet believes one only qualifies as a superhero if they have powers. Darkwing attempts many times to explain that he is a hero, but one who uses martial arts and gadgets instead of powers.
- This episode's ending is an homage to that of the Tex Avery-directed MGM cartoon King-Size Canary.