Playdate with Winnie the Pooh is an animated television series created by Disney Television Animation and premiered on Disney Jr. on August 18, 2023. It is based on A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories. It also has a sister series called Me & Winnie the Pooh, which takes place within its universe.[1]
Playdate with Winnie the Pooh follows a much younger Winnie the Pooh, who's going on a series of playdates in the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Leon Chen as Winnie the Pooh
- Gracen Newton as Tigger
- Callum Vinson as Piglet
- Dylan Alvarado as Eeyore
- Arwen Monzon-Sanders as Kanga
- Emma Zavaleta as Rabbit
- Madelyn Skylar Taketa as Bea
Episode list[]
Season 1 (2023-2024)[]
- "Piglet and the Tricycle" - August 18, 2023
- "Tigger and the Harmonica" - August 18, 2023
- "Piglet and the Surprise Jar" - August 19, 2023
- "Piglet, Tigger and the Cardboard Box" - August 20, 2023
- "Kanga and Hide-and-Seek" - October 4, 2023
- "Eeyore and the Paint Set" - October 18, 2023
- "Piglet and the Kite" - November 1, 2023
- "Eeyore, Kanga and the Treasure Hunt" - November 15, 2023
- "Tigger and the Toy Hoop" - November 29, 2023
- "Rabbit and the Chalk" - December 13, 2023
- "Piglet and the Snow Bear" - December 27, 2023
- "Tigger and the Bouncy Ball" - January 10, 2024
- "Piglet, Rabbit and the Picnic" - January 24, 2024
- "Bea and the Pillow Fort" - February 7, 2024
- "Bea, Kanga and the Blank Book" - February 21, 2024
Season 2 (2024)[]
- "Tigger, Kanga and the Music Player" - August 20, 2024
- "Piglet and the Sleepover" - August 21, 2024
- "Eeyore and the Flying Disk" - August 22, 2024
- "Rabbit's Lemonade Stand" - September 4, 2024
- "Winnie the Pooh Bounces on a Trampoline" - September 18, 2024
- "Eeyore and Goodbye"
- "Kanga, Tigger and Dance"
- "Kanga and the Mystery"
- "Tigger and the Pogo Stick"
- "Bea, Rabbit and the Caterpillar"
- "Bea, Tigger and Bubbles"
- "Rabbit and the Lemonade"
- "Eeyore and Trick or Treat"
- "Bea and the Toy Car"
- "Eeyore and the Surprise Party"
- "Rabbit, Bea and the Pumpkin"
- Pooh seems much smarter in the series.
- This is the fifth television series to be based on the Winnie the Pooh franchise. The first being Welcome to Pooh Corner, the second being The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the third being The Book of Pooh, and the fourth being My Friends Tigger & Pooh.
- It is also the third Disney Junior series to be based on the Winnie the Pooh franchise after The Book of Pooh and My Friends Tigger & Pooh.
- This marks the second time that Pooh's eyes are not black dots, the first being Welcome to Pooh Corner.
- This is the first Winnie the Pooh project released by Disney after A.A. Milne's original Pooh stories entered the public domain in 2022.
- Unlike the previous shows and movies, Pooh and his friends are shown as children and are voiced by child actors instead of the adult actors, who had voiced them in the past.
- This is also the first Winnie the Pooh project from Disney where Pooh and Tigger are not voiced by Jim Cummings since Welcome to Pooh Corner.
- Also, this the first series in which Pooh and Tigger have separate voice actors instead of having the same voice actor voicing both since The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
- Due to the adults being children in the show, this is the first show in the franchise not to feature Roo due to his mother being a child.
- Rabbit is portrayed as female in this series rather than male like his usual depictions. It could be a different character and a lookalike, but it's unknown.[2]
- Gopher is replaced by a female beaver named Bea.
- It is unknown whether Christopher Robin will appear in this series.
- Eeyore is blue in this series instead of grey like previous appearances and his debut appearance.
- The soundtrack for its first season was released on January 11, 2024, while the one for its second season was released seven months later on August 15 of the same year.
- This is the first Winnie the Pooh series since My Friends Tigger & Pooh.
External link[]
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- ↑ Zahedha, Ramin (August 30, 2023). "OddBot Creative Director Elise Fachon on Her ‘Playdate with Winnie the Pooh’". Animation Magazine.