"Poodlefall!" is the fortieth episode of 101 Dalmatian Street. It premiered on Disney Channel UK on February 10, 2020 and premiered on Disney XD in the United States on July 19, 2021[1].
Hansel joins Dylan on a quest in PoodleWolf: The Board Game.
Dylan and Dawkins are setting up a gameplay session of Poodlewolf: The Board Game when Dolly comes in and once again mocks them for what she perceives as a waste of time. She changes her attitude when Hansel arrives to join in the game as well, and Dolly decides to join in as Dogsbody once again. While Dylan, Dawkins and Hansel are having a good time, Dolly is trying to beat her boredom doing a variety of things, causing issues for the game party. Eventually, they face off against the evil Furball, but in Dolly's haste, she throws the item cards everywhere and accidentally imbues a shield potion on Furball, who counteracts with a perma-death ball that kills Poodlewolf. Dylan is speechless while Dolly tries to move on. However, she is shocked to learn that her whole family, as well as some of their friends, are disappointed in her careless attitude and sympathize with Dylan's plight. At Poodlewolf's funeral, Dolly still scoffs at how it's just a toy, shocking everyone. Hansel explains that it is more than just a toy to Dylan, having played as his Poodlewolf character for a long time, so it is considered a part of him. Realizing her blunder, Dolly decides to rectify her mistake.
Dolly goes searching for an item that can revive Poodlewolf, so Dawkins explains that the Resurrection Bone is the only thing that can return a character from perma-death. The quest to achieve it, however, is difficult, but Dolly insists on going on it to help Dylan out. After a couple of deaths, Hansel comes by to help Dolly and Dawkins, and he gives the former some encouragement over how to proceed. After getting killed over and over and going further on their adventure, they finally reach the spot to get the Resurrection Bone. Unfortunately, the game piece was supposed to arrive in the mail, but due to the Dalmatians' habit of charging at the mailman, the box ended up in Constantin's possession.
Dolly decides to sneak over to Constantin's house to get their package back and is shocked to learn that Constantin has been collecting their packages. She cannot go to Pearl because she was technically trespassing in his house and he tells her that she can retrieve only one box. When the box turns out to be full of pooper scoopers, Dolly empties it and distracts Constantin, who cannot resist an empty box, and escapes with the game piece. The gang get together and revive Poodlewolf, much to Dylan's joy. However, Constantin returns, taking on the role of Furball again, and he and Dylan prepare to fight for real. The fight is cut short when Delilah calls Dylan and Dolly to clean up the scoopers.
- Josh Brener as Dylan
- Michaela Dietz as Dolly
- Nefeli Karakosta as Dizzy
- Florrie Wilkinson as Dee Dee
- Rhys Issac-Jones as Dawkins
- Bert Davis as Diesel
- Kyle Soller as Dante
- Lauren Lindsey Donzis as Destiny and Déjà Vu
- Abigail Zoe Lewis as Dallas
- Margot Powell as Dorothy
- Paloma Faith as Portia Poodle
- Rasmus Hardiker as Hansel
- Rufus Jones as Constantin the Cat
- Ella Kenion as Delilah
- The events of "Poodlewolf" are referred to in this episode, such as Dolly saying she refuses to play Dogsbody "again", as well as Constantin commenting "Poodlewolf!? AGAIN!?".
- When Dolly is searching through the mail, but picks the wrong box, Constantin comments, "You have chosen poorly", which is likely a homage to the Guardian of the Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.