The Prairie Dog Trio are a group of background characters from the Disney Jr. show Sheriff Callie's Wild West. In every episode, they recap the current events, appearing during the plot twist, the climax and the ending through song.
- Though they usually wear their farming type outfits, there are some occasions where this isn't the case. For example, in the episode "Here Comes the Sun", they wore night shirts, night caps, and a nightgown during the night sequences. And they wear winter clothing during the episodes where it snows.
- Sometimes other characters on the show interact with them. In the episode "Bandit Toby", Kit Cactus swiped the banjo from one of them. In "The Ballad of Sweet Strings", Johnny Strum made off with their instruments after mesmerizing them with his voice. In "Jail Crazy", Peck puts them into jail possibly for not using their inside voices because that's what he arrested a lot of other characters for.
- Since they usually appear to add musical commentary to each episode, they could be considered the "Greek chorus" of the show.