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Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice is a half-hour sequel to Prep & Landing, that premiered on ABC on December 5, 2011.



Promotional poster for the special.

As the special begins, we are introduced to the Coal Elf Brigade, a special unit of Christmas elves that is responsible for delivering lumps of coal to naughty children. However, in the middle of a mission by one group of these elves, they are ambushed, and in their escape, their Fruitcake Conduct Calculator is stolen by the child who lives in the house they were examining.

The following year, Wayne and Lanny are informed that they have to recover the lost Conduct Calculator, as it is now in the hands of a hacker identified only as "jinglesmell1337." Desperate to prevent Christmas from descending into chaos, Wayne seeks out (at the insistence of Magee) the foremost Naughty Kid expert to aid in the mission, a bombastic member of the Coal Elf Brigade who also happens to be his estranged younger brother, Noel. Reluctant to take the extroverted Noel along with him, Wayne relents, and Noel joins Wayne and Lanny on their mission. During the trip, Noel and Wayne reminisce about their childhood, when they worked together far better than they do now.

As the trio arrives at the hacker's house, Wayne sets off a trap, imperiling the entire team; Wayne takes a particular beating while Noel is able to defend himself. Lanny, however, is able to infiltrate the hacker's room, only to be taken captive. The hacker then reveals herself to be Grace Goodwin, whose sole mission is to get herself off the naughty list, believing that she had been set up by her toddler brother, Gabriel, who had destroyed her favorite toy and ruined her chances to ask Santa Claus for a new one by his crying. After a somewhat intoxicated Lanny suggests using the "magic word" to get the password for the device that will get her off the list, she does just that: using the word "please" as the password. At first, Grace appears successful in changing her status from naughty to nice, but the device malfunctions, threatening to place the entire planet on the naughty list unless she and the team can pull off a risky operation to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, Wayne is particularly bitter at being "shown up" by his younger brother, prompting a fight in the street in front of Grace's house in which Wayne goes as far to say that he wish that he never had a brother. Shocked and Hurt at his statement, Noel (who always idolized Wayne growing up) asks Wayne to say he didn't mean it and says that he looked up to him and that he was his hero before he throws what he had intended to give Wayne as a Christmas present at him. The gift—a toy sled that Wayne had wanted as a kid but was never able to get—prompts Wayne to reconcile with Noel and carry out the mission. Grace, watching the whole argument as it unfolds, learns a powerful lesson and a newfound appreciation for her younger brother.

Wayne then receives a call from Magee who tells him that the device is causing bigger problems making every single child is being transferred to the naughty list. Wayne tells them that the antenna on Conduct Calculator is broken and so Mr. Thistleton tells him to fix it and attach it to a powerful antenna to reverse the damage. Grace realizes that this is all her fault and Noel ask how they're going to find an antenna until Lanny who had come outside too finds a nearby building with a strong antenna. Grace helps fix the Conduct Calculator as they make their way to the building. Once fixed, she tosses the calculator to Wayne and apologizes for being naughty. As Noel and Wayne climb up the building, all the presents are getting sucked up into the tube as tree farm progresses on transferring every child onto the naughty list. Once Wayne and Noel reach the top, they realized that they can't go near the antenna due to electric hazard. Wayne decides to tie the super sled to the device but Noel couldn't get a good shot due to the flags getting blown in the wind. So Wayne decided to jump off the building with Noel before activating the parachute on his hat to fly up higher so Noel can get a clear at the antenna. He fires the grapple and lets go of it as it pull towards and sticks to the antenna with calculator causing the satellite to go back to normal as all kids get transferred back to the nice list again and all presents get dropped back into Santa's sack saving Christmas once and for all.

The next morning, the scene at the Goodwin house shows Gabriel giving Grace her new Christmas present - a replacement toy for the one he had destroyed a year prior. Meanwhile, back at the North Pole, Noel and Wayne are both named Elves of the Year.

Hidden gags[]

  • A school and report card in the story is based on writer/director Stevie Wermer-Skelton's elementary school, while the teacher is modeled on one of writer/director Kevin Deters' favorite teachers is depicted within that school.
  • Behavioral data for Timmy Terwelp (from the first special) can be seen on one of the elves' computers.
  • Noel mentions that Wayne's former partner, Peterson, got the last Captain Avalanche's Super Sled when they were younger.
  • The Hop With Me Bunny toy Grace owns is a parody of the Tickle Me Elmo toy, specifically the T.M.X. version.
  • Grace meets the elves wearing a Disney Princess shirt.
  • In a flashback scene, as Grace walks away from the store Santa, the next kids in line are Ralphie Parker and the kid with goggles from A Christmas Story.
  • One of Grace's books has the logo for Walt Disney's Comics and Stories on its spine.
  • As Noel goes in for a closer look as what Grace is doing, he goes under a bed complete with stuffed toys, including one of Mickey Mouse and one of Nessie.


The special was made available, along with the original Prep & Landing special, on the Prep & Landing Totally Tinsel Collection DVD and Blu-ray, released on November 6, 2012.


Voice actor Character
Dave Foley Wayne
Derek Richardson Lanny
Sarah Chalke Magee
Rob Riggle Noel
Chris Parnell Mr. Thistleton
Emily Alyn Lind Grace Goodwin
W. Morgan Sheppard The Big Guy (Santa Claus)
Hayes MacArthur Thrasher
Phil LaMarr Crumbles
Christopher Harrison Gene the New Snowmobile Salesman
Grace Potter Carol
Kevin Deters Hop With Me Bunny
Stevie Wermers-Skelton
Dorthy McKim
Miscellaneous elves

External links[]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

v - e - d
Prep and landing logo
Prep & LandingPrep & Landing: Operation: Secret SantaPrep & Landing: Naughty vs. NicePrep & Landing: The Snowball ProtocolPrep & Landing: Mansion Impossible
Disney Parks
Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!World of ColorSunset Seasons Greetings
WayneLannyMageeTinyNoelThistletonCarolMiss HollyWaterkotteSanta ClausMrs. ClausThrasherDasherDancerTimmy TerwelpGrace Goodwin