"Private Antics, Major Problems" is the second segment of the tenth episode of Brandy & Mr. Whiskers.
When Brandy and Mr. Whiskers try to eat the tastiest fruit in the jungle, Brandy finds out that the fruit tastes like dirty socks and only Whiskers likes it. As Brandy marches off in frustration, she kicks down an ant hill, leaving it exposed to the anteaters who attack the hill on a regular basis. They then have to join the ant army to defend the ants from the anteaters until they finish building a new ant hill, much to Brandy's dismay and Whiskers's excitement, and the latter showing to be a capable soldier. However, when both of them are assigned to night patrol, they are approached by anteaters, but Brandy manages to convince them to spare the ants and become plant eaters, and they agree, and a pleased Sergeant Ant, discharges Brandy and Whiskers from the ant army, and they both happily march back home.