Puppy Paws is the protagonist of Disney's 2009 film Santa Buddies. He is a mischievous young puppy who doesn't want to be responsible for Christmas. He befriends the Buddies and asks them tips about how to be an ordinary puppy.
Puppy Paws is inquisitive but when he plays in the Christmas workshop, everything goes haywire. Puppy Paws gets a scolding from his father. After hearing his punishments, he angrily wishes that Christmas would go away, and stalks off. He wishes it on the Great Christmas Icicle, and it starts to crack and melt. He eventually hides away in a mail truck and comes to Fernfield, Washington. Puppy Paws' disappearance concerns not only Santa Paws but everyone at the North Pole. Eventually it is discovered that he went to Washington. Puppy Paws has met all the Air Buddies but his magic icicle makes changes that the siblings don’t like. Eventually he overhears what they think of him and seconds later is captured by the dog catcher. While at the pound Puppy Paws meets Tiny and while he expresses his feelings of Christmas, Tiny explains to him through song how much Christmas means to them.
Physical appearance[]
Puppy Paws is a small and slender, Great Pyrenees puppy with a red-and-white striped collar like a candy cane with a thin clear crystal.
Powers and abilities[]
Puppy Paws poses a crystal for granting Christmas wishes and other means of magic.
- He does not seem to appear in Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups, despite being Santa Paws' son.