The Queen is a character in the 2004 Disney short, The Cat That Looked at a King, originally released in the 2004 DVD edition of Mary Poppins.
The Queen is an animated human character who appears in the painting where she lives with her husband the King who has a collection of books containing facts and knowledge. At first, the King cared more about his books than his wife but thanks to the Cat, he finally gets along with his wife so that he realizes who he really is during his relationship with his wife. Seeing how the Cat made the King realize who he is, the Queen even praises the Cat for a good deed in the painting, giving the Cat a necklace as a token of appreciation.
Role in the short[]
The Queen is first seen sitting in her room all by herself with a sad expression while the King is scrambling through his collection of books and asking why her a question about her, she tries to hug him but ignores him, much to her sadness. She suddenly notices a white cat chasing a mouse throughout the painting, much to the King feeling irritated and as his wife sees him discussing with the Cat.
Later the Cat asks the King one final question while quizzing him about what is the strongest thing in the world to which as the King tries to answer her question, his wife the Queen explains to him that patience is a possible answer to answer the Cat's question to which the King suddenly answers it, much to his wife reacting to his remorse. As the King remorsefully notices of how the Cat bested him in a contest, she tells the King to look into her eyes which he realizes who he was during his relationship with the Queen. The King starts to realize who he is just as he joyfully rejoices with his wife. As agreed, the King allows the Cat to get his own kingdom to which instead of ruling over it, the Queen gives her a necklace as a token of her appreciation just before leaving the painting and bidding the King a farewell.