In earlier drafts of the film, Queen Amaya shared the villain role with King Magnifico as an evil power couple in the vein of Tony and Carmela Soprano and in the tradition of other Disney villains, had a pet cat named Charo. While her personality changed, her design stayed the same.[1]
Amaya is a kind and confident woman. She defends Asha in her pursuit of the one of the most coveted roles in the kingdom of Rosas: the King's apprentice. She is also loving and devoted to her husband, King Magnifico, but she's not afraid to share her opinions with him.[2]
The tie-in book A Recipe For Adventure reveals her wish was to serve the people of Rosas, though Magnifico chose to remember it as serving him. She is additionally kind and fair, getting Dahlia her job as the castle baker and ruling with love.
Physical appearance[]
Amaya is a tan-skinned woman with hazel eyes, rosy cheeks, pink lips, and long dark brown hair, tied in a long braid and matching braided side buns, decorated with blue gems. She has a beauty mark on the right side of her face near her lips. She sports a cream and blue robe encrusted with gems and a golden crown.
The name "Amaya" is of Spanish and Japanese origin, meaning "the end; mother city; heavenly valley; night rain".
She calls King Magnifico "Mi Rey", which means "My King" in Spanish.
Originally, Queen Amaya, would have shared the role of being the main antagonist of the film with her husband before it was decided only King Magnifico would be evil.
In Disney Wish: A Recipe for Adventure, Amaya's wish is revealed to serve the people of Rosas.
"No"- Queen Amaya's response to her former husband demanding to be released.
Ordering her former husband to be sent to the dungeon.
Queen Amaya established as the sole Monarch of Rosas.