Queen Gemma is a character who appears in the Disney Jr. animated series, Miles from Tomorrowland. She is the sovereign ruler of the planet Dethalia, and the mother of Prince Rygan.
As a Dethalian, Queen Gemma lives up to her people's pre-eminent reputation. She is a strictly serious and mighty queen, and is not the kind of person who jokes around. Despite being strict, Queen Gemma has been known to show a friendly side of herself, which became more prominent and with Mission Force One's help, realized that though their planet might be taken, she and her people are her empire. After becoming part of the Tommorowland Alliance, Gemma became extremely grateful and much kinder in the process. Prior to this, she was rather territorial, and always attempted to imprison anybody entering Dethalian territory after Gadfly Garnett attempted a theft on Dethalia. Afterwards, she welcomed anyone she recognized as friends of the empire.