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Rachel Trotter is a minor character of the 1996 stop motion/live-action film James and the Giant Peach. She is Craig Trotter's wife and James' mother.



Unlike Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge, who are vain and cruel, Rachel is a caring and compassionate woman. Rachel shows affection towards her family, especially to her son, whom she affectionately calls him "darling". Like her husband, Rachel has a sense of imagination where she eagerly helped James figure out the shapes of clouds.

Role in the film[]

Rachel first appears celebrating her son, James's eighth birthday with her husband at their home on the beachside. She brings out James's birthday cake, wishing him a happy birthday and advising him to blow out the candles before the wind does. Later, Rachel, her husband, Craig, and James lay on the beach, watching clouds and guessing what they are shaped like. When James has trouble finding a cloud shaped "the tallest building in the world", Rachel advises her son to look at the cloud in another way, which he does and manages to see a cloud shaped like a building. This prompts Craig to show to James a traveling book of New York, revealing his intentions to take his family as he and Rachel want their son's life to be even more happier.

Unfortunately, Rachel and Craig are killed and eaten by a Rhino, leaving James an orphan and to be placed in the care of his aunts, Spiker and Sponge who would abuse James while treating him like a slave instead of a relation. Rachel is mentioned a few times for the remainder of the film; once by Spiker who claims because Rachel was a dreamer like Craig, it was got Rachel killed by the Rhino. During a conversation with Mr. Grasshopper, James mentioned his parents and Mr. Grasshopper assured the boy that his parents would be proud of him. Then, Rachel is mentioned again when James confronted and defeated the Rhino before arriving in New York City.

After Spiker and Sponge's defeats, James found a new family with his bug friends where they all made a home together in Central Park, achieving all their dreams, just like Rachel wanted for her son to do.


  • In the book and movie, her name is never mentioned.

v - e - d
James and the Giant Peach (video/soundtrack)
James Henry TrotterAunt SpikerAunt SpongeMagic ManCrocodile TonguesMr. CentipedeMr. GrasshopperEarthwormMrs. LadybugMiss SpiderGlowwormRhinoRobot SharkCaptain JackSkeleton Pirates (Parrot Skeleton, Viking, Eskimo, Pegleg, and Duckman) • Craig TrotterRachel TrotterSeagullsRooster
My Name is JamesThat's the Life for MeEating the PeachFamilyGood News
Giant PeachNew York CityThe Empire State Building