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For the attraction that inspired the location, see Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland

Rainbow Caverns is one of the areas in the Wasteland. It first appeared in Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. It was one of the first attractions built in Wasteland and according to Gremlin Gus, the caverns were not built by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. It seems that no one in Wasteland knows how they were formed. It is based mostly on Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland, though its name can clearly be attributed to the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train attraction.

The caverns are full of railway tracks, overturned minecarts and also cave paintings related to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The entrance is guarded by an Eye. The caverns contain an invisible inkwell and an indelible inkwell. Through a door with Snow White and the Prince lies the projector substation, which has been sabotaged by Gremlin Prescott. The Rainbow Falls is a facade based on the Seven Dwarves, with each appearing in this order: Sneezy, Grumpy, Doc, Sleepy, Happy, Dopey and Bashful. From there, one can see the Angel and Devil Caverns, which lead to Disney Gulch.

The Devil Caverns serve as a means of central heating to Wasteland, while the Angel Caverns pay homage to the Angel and the Seven Sisters.


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Epic Mickey Logo
Games: Epic Mickey (soundtrackRebrushed) • Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (soundtrack) • Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

Books: Epic Mickey: The Graphic NovelEpic Mickey: Tales of WastelandThe Art of Epic Mickey
Cancelled: Epic Mickey 3Epic Disney Racers

Main Characters: Mickey MouseOswald the Lucky RabbitOrtensiaGremlin GusYen Sid

Antagonists: The BlotThe Mad DoctorBlotlingsAnimatronic Captain HookBeetleworxBlotworxThe Shadow BlotMizrabelGremlin Prescott
Other characters: TintsTurpsBunny ChildrenClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarAnimatronic Tick-Tock the CrocodileAdelleSmall PetePetetronicPete PanBeppo the GorillaChampThe Three Little PigsMagic BroomsA.B.E.Lonesome GhostsElliottClock TowerTelephonePlaying CardsPipe OrganSwamp BoysSpirit of WastelandBlotworx DragonPrescott's Mech
Deleted Characters: Thinner Mickey

The WastelandYen Sid’s TowerMickey's HouseTomorrow CityNautilusSkull IslandJolly RogerWillie's CastleVenturelandGremlin VillageBlot AlleyLonesome ManorTortoogaFloatyardDisney GulchBog EasyOsTownMean StreetMickeyjunk MountainAutotopiaDark Beauty CastleRainbow CavernsFort WastelandTrain TunnelsDahl Engineering CorridorsPrescott's Arena
PaintbrushPaintThinnerRemoteE-TicketsGremlin CageMechanical ArmHeartHelp Me, Help YouWorld of Evil
Junction Point StudiosWarren Spector