- “So, the head witch of the Bard Coven likes pretending to be a rebel. Too bad they're not very good at it.”
- ―Eda teasing Raine[src]
Raine Whispers is a character who appears in the Disney Channel animated series The Owl House. They are the Head Witch of the Bard Coven, as well as the leader of a rebellion against the Emperor's rule.
Raine is known to be a shy person. They get stage fright and get nervous when making public speeches. However, they're not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means risking their own life. They disapprove of Emperor Belos forcing witches to join covens and stealing magic, which was why they worked hard to become a Coven Head and find people who wanted to change things, starting the small rebellion known as the Bards Against the Throne (aka the BATs). Before, they never could overcome their fears until they met Eda, who encouraged them to face their fears. The two had known each other since they were students at Hexside. They even dated for a while, until Raine decided to break up on the day they joined the Bard Coven, due to Eda's tendency to push people away.
Powers and abilities[]
- Magic: Like all witches, their connection to magic comes from a sac of magic bile attached to their heart. Having earned the rank of coven leader, they are undoubtedly very powerful.
- Bard magic: As the leader of the Bard Coven, Raine is allowed to use music magic to manipulate the world around them. This allows them to nullify spells from other witches, make things levitate and take control of any people who can hear their music. Raine are also noted to be an exceptionally talented Bard, as they have managed to rise to the rank of Head Witch by skill alone.
- Violin Playing: Raine is a skilled violinist and uses their violin to cast their Bard spells. They can use their violin to cast cutting shockwaves.
- Instrument Summoning: Raine can also summon and dispel musical instruments at will. While they primarily use a violin, they can also summon different instruments such as a lute.
- Bard magic: As the leader of the Bard Coven, Raine is allowed to use music magic to manipulate the world around them. This allows them to nullify spells from other witches, make things levitate and take control of any people who can hear their music. Raine are also noted to be an exceptionally talented Bard, as they have managed to rise to the rank of Head Witch by skill alone.
Role in the series[]
Raine Whispers was once a student at St. Epidern and then participated in the Instructing Future Witches of Tomorrow program. They first met Eda Clawthorne when they were kids during the challenges and completed them, and together they took part in the Covens vs. Wild challenge hosted by Terra Snapdragon. When a couple of demons were getting ready to eliminate them, Eda rescued them and they had to face each other but instead blast it at Terra. Terra was amused and took an interest in them, but didn't give the students a ribbon. After that, Raine transferred to Hexside and remained friends with Eda until Eda's curse drove them apart, causing them to break up and Raine to join the Bard Coven. Raine became head of the Bard Coven and remained as such until they discovered Belos was forcing witches and demons to join Covens against their will. Realizing this wasn't right, Raine formed the Bards Against the Coven aka the BATs to stop Emperor Belos and the Coven System.
Season Two[]
In "Hunting Palismen", Raine was summoned along with the Other Coven heads to meet with Emperor Belos, Kikimora, and The Golden Guard that the Day of Unity was upon them. They and the Coven Heads were then shown a false vision of the Day of Unity which showed the Human Realm emerging with the Boiling Isles.
In "Eda's Requiem", Raine forms a resistance movement with three other bards called the Bards Against The Throne in an attempt to destabilize Belos' control. However, during one outing, the group is surrounded by Coven Scouts and saved by Eda Clawthorne. She asks to join the BATs, but Raine rejects the request until Eda unmasks them and, after two of their three teammates are in favor of her joining, Raine accepts. After successfully stopping a raid, Raine asks Eda to play a lute and notices that her magic corrupts the surrounding area. They call Eda upon getting a tip on a raid and the five make their way to a bridge in the forest where Darius Deamonne and Eberwolf, the heads of the Abomination and Beast Keeping Vovens respectively spring their trap, They and Eda get away while the others are caught. Raine encourages Eda to use her curse to take out the Coven Heads to stop the Day of Unity, however the both of them would die as well.
Eda agrees and, just as the four are about to be corrupted, Raine sees a picture of Eda with Luz Noceda and King and stops playing. The two are caught and Raine sacrifices themself to ensure Eda escapes. Later, Kikimora arrives and, rather then petrifying the Head of the Bard Coven, she casts a spell to put them in stasis using their sigil.
However, Raine's capture was secretly a ruse by Darius and Eberwolf who were also against Belos and the three worked in secret in order to find out what Belos was really up to. In "Follies at the Coven Day Parade", Raine is shown to be under the care of Terra who is giving them tea to erase any memories of Eda and remain loyal to Belos. Unaware to Terra, Raine has been secretly whistling into the tea to neutralize the effects. During the Coven Day Parade, Eda runs into Raine where they pretend not to know Eda when she tries to get them to remember and the two battle. Eda then retreated as Coven Scouts show up, Raine was then present with Kikimora and Terra as Belos announce his false promises for the Day of Unity and Belos unmasking himself to reveal his face.
In "Any Sport in a Storm" Raine briefly appears exiting the Throne room after Darius propose the meeting.
In “Them's the Breaks, Kid", Eda tells Luz, Hooty, and King the story of how she met Raine, but in the end where Terra is giving Raine more tea to calm their "headaches", Raine whistles into it before drinking. After Terra leaves, Raine drops the act and summons an Abomation summon by Darius and shows them a picture of what Belos is really planning for the Day of Unity. To their horror, Raine discovers that Belos is planning to used a Draining Spell that will wipeout everyone on the isles, when ask how to stop it, Darius told them they need Eda's help. Raine refuses and wants to keep her safe.
In “Hollow Mind“, Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf attempt to infiltrate Belos's mind, however they are stopped by Hunter. The three escape and Hunter and Luz, who saw Hunter and followed him, end up trapped in Belos's mind. Raine and their associates watch The Owl House from a distance and devise a plan to help, delivering ingredients for a potion Eda is making to get the teenagers out of Belos's mind.
In “O Titan, Where Art Thou”, Raine is overseeing the hunt for Eda when they suddenly get a call from their ex-girlfriend. Eda pleads with Raine to get Luz and King away from The Boiling Isles in exchange for turning herself in. However, Terra soon arrives and the call ends. After Luz and Eda are captured, Raine and their teammates free the two and induct Luz, Eda, King, Lilith, and Hooty into their ranks, Covens Against the Throne-the CATS.
In "Clouds on the Horizon", Raine, Eda, Lilith, and the CATs work on a plan to stop the draining spell and they need Eda's curse to corrupt the draining spell and to do it, Eda will take Raine's place. Before heading to the Titan's skull where the Day of Unity will be held, Luz wants them to promise that they will keep Eda safe. As they flied to the skull, Steve a former Coven Scott branded Eda with a coven sigil and turn into Raine. Upon arriving, they witness Coven Scouts and Abomatons rounding up Wild Witches and had them taken to the Conformatorium.
In “King's Tide”, Raine speaks with Eda before she takes their place and watches as she goes out with the other Coven Heads. However, Belos is aware of the plan and ambushes Raine, forcing them out into the open and exposing Eda. The Draining Spell commences and everyone with a sigal is weakened. To save Eda, Raine removes her branded arm at the elbow at it disintegrates. They pass out soon after. Not long after, The Collector stops the Draining Spell.
Season Three[]
In "For the Future", Raine and the other Coven Heads, with the exception of Terra, are turned into puppets by The Collector and made to guard Eda, who The Collector believes is in her Owl Beast form. Two months after the Day of Unity, Emperor Belos possesses them in an attempt to manipulate The Collector.
In "Watching and Dreaming", Belos' was possessing Raine until he learn that King was a Titan and the Titan's heart was still beating at the Emperor's Castle, Belos' flew to the castle as the Collector deal with Luz, Eda, and King. Upon arriving, Raine broke free from Belos' control and chase after him to stop him from possessing the Titan's heart but failed as Belo had taken control of the Titan's heart and began his mission to destroy the Boiling Isles. They were later freed by Titan Luz, Harpy Eda, and King and decided to help them to stop Belos' for good. Raine, Harpy Eda, and King fought against Belos' fungus while Titan Luz fought to remove Belos' from the Titan's heart. Afterwards, they, Eda, and King stomp Belos to death. The four head to the Owl House where they are later joined by Lilith Clawthorne, Amity Blight, Camila Noceda, and The Collector. Afterwards, they get back together with Eda and move into the Owl House. They become part of a research team looking into ways to remove coven sigils. The team succeeds four years later. Raine takes part in celebrating Luz's belated Quinceañera and watch watch a light show The Collector puts on.
- Raine Whispers is non-binary, as Raine themself goes by they/them pronouns. Their voice actor, Avi Roque, is also non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.[1]
- Blu del Barrio, who voices a young version of Raine Whispers, are also non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.
- According to the Owl House Watch and Play game on DisneyNOW, Raine and Eda starred in a Hexside play call "Rats", which is the source of Raine's stage fright.
- According to a portfolio that Eda has on them, Raine love spicy foods and their favorite movie is an action film called Die Bard II, with whom they have watched before with Eda in their youth.
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